Tall Pale White Humanoid Encountered Near Witnesses' Home in Northern British Columbia

A couple living, in northern British Columbia, encounter a tall pale humanoid as they are pulling out of their driveway. There was a later incident as well, so the being is most likely living nearby.

I recently came across the following account. I forwarded a follow up request to the witness:

"This happened to me and my boyfriend about two years ago. I decided to post it because it haunts me to this very day, and I still have nightmares about it.

It was about 2 am one night in September 2018. We live about 25 minutes out of town in northern British Columbia, Canada, and our house is surrounded by the woods. Because it's such a dead road, usually we would pull out of the driveway and then turn on our lights. Why? Just a weird habit I suppose. We both would do it.

So I'm behind the wheel. I pull out to go left down the road and turn on the high beams. Then we see it.

We see this weird, hairless, pale humanoid creature crouching in the middle of the road. It almost seemed to be glowing, but that was probably because it was such a pale white and I hadn't turned off my high beams. It whipped its head at us, as if it was surprised by our lights turning on. After a second, it shambles across the rest of the road in jerky movements and down into the ditch, which was about 3 feet deep. But that's not it. We both watched as it went down into the ditch, turn around to face us. And it stood up on its back legs, exactly like a human but not quite.

It stood over 5 feet higher than the ditch (taller than our car at the time). And remember the ditch is already 3 feet deep, so this creature was over 7 feet tall. It looked aggressive, hunched at the shoulders and leaning forward slightly as if to look at the car. And I swear I made eye contact with it. No. It was not watching us drive by. It wasn't looking at the car. It was looking through the window, and it was looking right at me! Whatever it was, it was intelligent and knew that the car wasn't moving itself. It knew we were inside.

I drove so slowly, turning my head and keeping eye contact with it as we drove past and it did the same, craning its neck to watch me leave. My boyfriend couldn't see it past me at that point. Eventually, it's out of my vision and I look back at the road.

We are both completely silent. I'm driving less than 10km an hour, having taken my foot off the gas when I saw something in the road. To this day I don't really tell people because they just laugh it off or try to explain it as an albino starving bear or something.

Now, this year (2020) his parents were visiting just before winter hit. They have a dog. Me and his mom were having a smoke on the deck, which is about 6 feet off the ground. It's dusk. Not much light. We were on the left side of the deck, the same side we turn on the road to go to town. You can see the patch of woods where the creature would have been before so this instance happened in the same little area.

I hear a bunch of cracking twigs just as the dog goes nuts. The dog is a small so we were surprised when he almost jumped off the deck to run in the woods. My boyfriend comes out just in time and we see, just beyond some trees so it's obscured, a tall, lanky white form. But we couldn't see anything else definitive, and his mom has terrible eye sight and didn't have glasses. I KNOW it was the same creature. I got this twisting feeling in my gut.

We don't leave our house at night. Maybe it's weird but I want to see it again. I used to think,  'wow, these stories are cool I so believe in them.' It was nothing compared to the awed terror I felt when I made eye contact with something I'm positive is not natural.

I literally think about it every single day and it can actually bring me to tears cause it scares me so much." C

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Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site and newsletter. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon


Arcane Radio is LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel

Jerry Ayres | Supernatural & Paranormal Investigations Minnesota | Arcane Radio 9PM EST Dec.18.2020

Join Lon as he welcomes Jerry Ayres of Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota to Arcane Radio on December 18th 2020. Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota, also known as The SIM Crew, was established in early 2010. They have completed over 60 paranormal investigations, 2 bigfoot expeditions, and many town hall meetings they call Supernatural Conversations. They also host public investigations, and also periodically teach Ghost Hunting 101, a well received class on how to investigate the paranormal. Jerry Ayres has been interested in the paranormal since he was a child growing up in Bemidji, Minnesota. He has had several of spiritual events happen in his life. After all these years of investigating the paranormal, he found that he has psychic abilities that are getting stronger with time. Jerry is also a 'smoke reader' and host of a weekly radio show called The Calling Radio Show. For more on Jerry Ayres and SIM visit their website - www.siminnesota.com

Join us this Friday, December 11th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Website

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