Black Cryptid Canine Observed Near Chelmsford, Essex, UK

A teen and his stepdad observe a cryptid canine in their garden one night in Essex, UK. Later on, the witness and his friend encounter the same creature at a local farm.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"I grew up in the countryside near Chelmsford in Essex, UK in 1993. We lived in a very rural area surrounded by thick woods and fields. There was a small farm down a single track road.

My first encounter of this 'thing' that I can only describe as a beast was in our garden at about 11.30 pm when I was 14 years old. My stepdad had just driven back from the pub and was in the kitchen making toast and I went down to get a drink of water. The back garden flood light was switched to off as it was very blinding when it came on.

My stepdad noticed something moving about in the garden from looking out of the window. He questioned it so I took a look and as we tried to work out what it was he switched the flood light on. Plain as day, this thing was on all fours drinking water from the pond. It was huge. It was black and very wide and very muscular. It turned and looked towards the house.

Assuming it couldn't see us from the blinding light. I've never seen anything like it. Its face was just like a dog but it looked fierce and its features were very strong. Covered in thick black hair from head to toe. My stepdad and I just stood there in shock. It moved away from the pond, stood up on its back legs and leapt over the end garden hedge. This hedge was about 10 ft tall. Then it was gone. My stepdad turned off the light and told me to get to bed.

The next morning he told me that we were never to discuss what we saw again. Whenever I tried to mention it he just denied it as if it never happened.

Another time I was walking my friend home across the fields past the farm barn. There was a large broken hole in the side of the barn which we had to walk past to get down the track. It was around lunchtime, so daylight. As we got closer to the barn we both noticed this animal edged inside of the barn looking out of the hole at us. It moved and I knew I'd seen it before. We both questioned it but decided to back off slowly and it moved further backwards into the barn. We walked back to my house very quickly and never went down there again.

We had a few neighbours in the area who all said that they had heard weird howling noises at night. But quickly were convinced it was foxes. Having lived in the countryside, I know what foxes sound like. These howlings were not of a fox.

There was 1 report sent to the police about an unusual animal in the area after something huge ran out in front of a dog walker into the woods. The dogs refused to walk near to where the animal was and sat whimpering then it shot out across the field into the woods. The police got a casting of some prints but then it all went hush and never to be mentioned again. So this is my personal experience and I am thankful that I no longer live in Essex." Name withheld

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