Red-Eyed Winged Humanoid Twice Observed in Hammond, Indiana

On Monday August 12, 2019 I received an email and then a telephone call from Mark Hagan of the South Shore Ghostbusters. He wanted to report a sighting of a large winged humanoid in the Hammond, Indiana area, which occurred August 2018. The coordinates of the sighting was 41.656717, -87.508381:

Hagan's statement:

It was August of 2018. My wife and I were driving south on Calumet Ave. and were coming up to the red light at 131st St when we heard what sounded like leather rustling. We looked to the retention pond to our left and saw glowing red what I am going to assume were eyes and saw a large bat-like creature take to the skies. It was darked colored and easily had to be about 6 feet or more tall from what I could make out. Wingspan was close to 10 feet or more.

About a week or so later driving with my colleague in the South Shore Ghostbusters. This time we saw it atop the the Cline Ave overpass like it was eating something. We turned around only to see it take off to the skies once more.

We have been investigating the area and found this particular creature sticks close to the water. We have heard multiple accounts of seeing red glowing lights over the waters of the Lost Marsh since June or so of this year.

Hagan told me that he is very familiar with the large fowl in the area, and that this being was definitely not one of the indigenous birds known to inhabit the areas around Lake Michigan.

The Phantoms & Monsters Fortean team plans to go to the area for further investigation. Lon

These sightings were similar to location and description from a report in July 1, 2017:

I listened to the show on Coast to Coast AM and heard about the Chicago Phantom. I believe I may have seen it near the Lost Marsh Golf Course, right off Calumet Ave. (I-41) in Whiting, Indiana. (The location is approximately 1/2 mile east of the Illinois / Indiana border).

So this possible sighting happened on Saturday, July 1, 2017 around 10:30PM CT. We were heading home from my sister's house. My wife was driving I was the passenger. The kids were sleeping in the back seat and I was just enjoying the ride home. I was looking out my window and noticed two red lights in a area where there are usually no lights. I even told my wife "hey, I just saw two red lights." I thought it was a little strange but nothing more. I had no strange feelings, but when I started to think of the two lights, they must have been over the water around 10 ft. The red lights were about a 45 degree angle and kind of close to each other.

We take that route all the time and there is no light pole or anything in that area...just water. I thought it could have been a golf cart, but why would they only be using red lights. That little piece of course has no lighting and the street also doesn't have any lighting. The BP Whiting Refinery (approximately 1 mile away) is way too far away for what I saw. Basically, two strange red lights over the watery part of a golf course. KG

NOTE: This may be an excellent general area for a concentrated investigation...including the other nearby locations where the entity was seen. The 'red lights' were within 100-200 ft from the point of observation by the witness...and were close together. Did the witness see the red eyes of one of these humanoids? Any updates will be included with this post. Please note that was a sighting of a flying bat-like humanoid near the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, approximately 20 miles east of this location. This sighting has been added to the Chicago Phantom / Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat / Flying Humanoid Reports - Chicago Metro Area - Interactive Map

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoPhantom #ChicagoMothman

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