A Puerto Rican experiencer encounters a 'man' with strange features and translucent skin. The being asks for the location and directions to the Arecibo Observatory.
I received the following account:
“In a rural area outside of Aguada, Puerto Rico, where I used to live, I saw a strange man with greenish-hued translucent skin who didn't appear human. I was 22 years old when it happened, and now I'm 45. I really think it was an alien. It could not walk that well, but a few things got my attention. It had the right hand on the left. What I mean, the fingers were backward. Where there was supposed to be the pinky was the thumb. It also walked with difficulty and when I looked at its feet I saw that were the same as his hands, in the wrong place. The skin was translucent. it looked really weak.
I didn't feel scared. I just felt calm and with the need to go where it was. When it talked to me, it was talking part with its lips and part in my mind. It asked me if I knew where the Arecibo Observatory was. The Arecibo Observatory is a radio telescope in the municipality of Arecibo, Puerto Rico. It is also the biggest in the world.
I didn't have time to answer when I saw a blue flash of light and I blacked out. I woke up sitting on the balcony of my house two hours later. When I saw it the time was around 10:00 pm and when I woke up it was 1:20 am. I would like to be hypnotized to know what happened to me during those two hours of lost time. I live in Philadelphia now, but I have a house in Puerto Rico where that happened.
That was my craziest experience. It has stuck with me for all these years, but I believe it is time to find out what had really happened." C
NOTE: I contacted the experiencer with a regressive hypnotherapy recommendation. BTW, the Aguada, Puerto Rico area is well-known for UFO and unexplained humanoid/alien events. Lon
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