RED REPILITIAN Manifested From Orb, Heals Experiencer's Broken Ankle

A shaman recalls his experience with a red Reptilian being that manifested from an orb. After waking several hours later the cast on his broken ankle was removed and the ankle healed.

I received the following account:

"I was settling into bed after a day of shamanism work in deep meditation for two hours. My two dogs were in the bed with me. I had broken my ankle the day before and was trying to get comfortable. I was playing on my phone when the room lit up with a white glowing sphere coming from the living room into my bedroom. It was about as big as a basketball and it settled at the foot of my bed. My dogs jumped down and ran.

The sphere grew and became a red reptilian/lizardman standing at the foot of my bed. He had a musky odor to him/her. He had no wings or horns and was perfectly bipedal. My first reaction was anger. As a shaman, I serve the Norse god Odin. I am used to orbs and interdimensional beings/spirits. My first reaction was anger. I thought, "I worked for Odin today and now he isn't going to protect me from this." I instantly knew it was there to feed off my energy and possibly report back to who was in charge of the cult I was raised in. I rolled over and let it put me to instant sleep. I was too tired to try to fight.

I woke up an hour later on top of the covers with my cast off. My broken ankle was completely healed. I got under the covers and went back to sleep.

Over the next two weeks, I was exhausted and slept 13 to 20 hours a day. I also craved meat and could never feel full of enough meat. Some friends helped me out with energy but after one day I was back to feeling drained again.

The overall feelings were anger, disgust, and hopelessness. I also felt fear and seduction. It was as if I feared the being, but also was drawn to it." M

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon


Hey, folks. How would you like to design artwork for Phantoms & Monsters, Phantoms & Monsters Radio, or Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research?

If your art is approved by me I will promote it with your name and link. It must be original, print-ready, and sized for clothing & merchandise. You can choose your favorite cryptid or paranormal subject to include in your artwork. I will select up to 5 different designs, and each will be fully promoted on the blog, the Phantoms & Monsters online shop, YouTube, social media, etc.

Please contact me at - Thanks. Lon




Back in the Summer of 2010, I posted a poll that posed the question ‘What is Bigfoot?’ To my surprise, 26% of the 574 participants answered they believed this creature was interdimensional and/or extraterrestrial. Are we at a point where people are open-minded enough to accept that a hominid-type species may not be of our time or planet?

I posed this question to my readers and challenged them to make their case. Again, I was surprised at the amount of response I received. A total of 112 emails, with well-thought-out theories and opinions, were received in three days.

Maybe we’ll discover beyond a doubt where the truth lies about Bigfoot. We may kill several birds with one stone if or when we do find the answers to our questions. There may be a grand connection between all the mysteries in our world, possibly involving other worlds or dimensions as well. Mankind may be the greatest mystery of all and the reason why Bigfoot, extraterrestrials, spirits, etc. seem to be as fascinated with us as we are with them.

So, sit back and listen to the reports, and contemplate what you believe Bigfoot is. If you have questions, feel free to post them in the live chat. I will do my best to answer everyone.



SHAPESHIFTERS: MYTHS or REAL BEINGS? - Please Join Us For LIVE CHAT! - Q & A - Lon Strickler (Host)




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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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