BIGFOOT at British Columbia Rest Stop Creates Havoc!

A hunting guide and his family are moving to Alaska, driving several trucks. While at a rest area for the night, a supposed Bigfoot wanders into the area prompting gunshots and mayhem.

"It was 2008, my family lived in rural Nevada and my dad was a hunting guide and convinced my mom to move up to Alaska. We made the 3000-mile drive along the Alaskan highway through Canada, spending a particularly large amount of time enjoying the Yukon Territory. We had 3 vehicles, all large trucks with trailers full of stuff. If you’ve driven along the Alaskan Highway there are lots of VERY large rest areas. My dad built an enclosure atop his tailgate of the truck and built a room with windows in it so my brothers and I could hang out and not be strapped into a seat the whole drive.

My dad being an avid hunter had some real trouble getting his 30+ guns through customs into Canada but once we were cleared he kept a 500 caliber revolver (bear protection) in the cab with him.

It was so late I don’t know what time, but was incredibly dark outside, and we stopped at a rest stop somewhere outside of the Liard Hot Springs, BC area. Give or take 50 miles. I was young.

We were all asleep when all of a sudden we heard several gunshots coming from inside the cab of the truck. My mom was hysterical and the other driver of the other vehicle was outside with a shotgun, my dad and he approached the edge of the cleared rest area, and all I could see was a very dense wall of trees.

I didn’t get to see it but when they had parked, the lights were on and illuminating the wall of forest. My dad was just looking ahead when all of a sudden he realized an immensely LARGE figure was standing perfectly still just at the edge of the tree line. He didn’t notice it though until it stepped towards our truck. He recalls its eyes being incredibly green and the reflection of the headlights made its eyes almost glow. My mom and the other driver’s girlfriend were in the portapotty just to the left of the trucks, so my dad immediately pulled out the revolver and started shooting as he was terrified the figure was going towards the portapoties. After the first shot was fired he said he’d never seen an animal react so fast and with such ease. I think about this night a lot and figured I’d get the story out there.

Some extras: It was not a bear whatsoever, my dad had been a seasonal traveling hunting guide for a few years at this point and had bagged several bears from black to brown to grizzly. We’ve driven that road several times since this night as we’ve been back and forth between Alaska and Nevada for years, and have not had another encounter. Still gives me insane chills though." FA

After a few questions, the witness stated the following:

"My father is a guide. You can’t just trek into the Alaskan wilderness hoping to bag an animal considered “big game” in Alaska. A lot of people die this way. Especially given the people who can actually afford to do this style of hunting are typically very inexperienced with the brutal Alaskan wilderness and many haven’t even bagged a big game animal before.

Many of these trips involve a 4-5 man crew flying out in a tiny float plane into the northern Alaska wilderness for at least a month at a time. So yes, 30+ guns allowed for many different scenarios and options. He also collected some black powder weapons too so it isn’t like he actually takes ALL the weapons. Only what was necessary for protection and whatever was needed to bag whatever animal they were going for.

If you aren’t familiar with the bush of Alaska it would be pretty impossible to understand the level of danger you are in just going on one of these trips. People die and go missing ALL the time.

I went on ONE trip with him, when I was 12. Let me tell you, worst trip of my life. I carried a .45 sidearm and a 12 gauge with slugs, I wasn’t the one hunting so it was all for protection. I spent the whole time frightened. We were only feet from absolutely massive bull moose and the biggest brown bear I had ever seen. And when the shots are fired at a brown bear, they don’t just drop/run like other animals, they want to kill. Once the main shooter shoots the first shot, there’s a couple seconds of hesitation to see what the animal will do, if it immediately approaches towards you, everyone starts firing. Very scary. I was trampled by a small mama moose just a couple months before this trip so my specific trauma with the big animals was at an all-time high too." FA

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon


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