An Alberta man recently found a sketch that I made years ago after an encounter with a Sasquatch. It was stuffed in an old backpack. It has faded over the years.
"I know my sketch looks nothing like what mainstreamers would like us to believe but it is as accurate a sketch as to what I really saw that day as I could portray. This is what I wrote in my journal:
July 13th - off of Nordegg River Road (Clearwater County), going to fish my supper. Probably stay a couple of days then head for the Blackstone Gap. I can't believe what just happened. There was definitely a huge hairy man. I feel dizzy. I must have been holding my breath the whole time. My heart is beating so loud in my head. I'm going to sit a while and gather my thoughts. I'm too shaky to drive.
The hairy guy was at least 8 feet, 400 lbs easy. He didn't even see me. I've seen them before walking through the bush a long way away. Wow, this didn't just freaking happen. Could I have really shot him if he came for me? I had my hand on the rifle. I never killed a human before, never want to either. I've been taught the whole 'him or me' scenario. Everything about him was human. If it had been some big grizzly that wanted to eat me, sure, yes, definitely would I have time to get a shot off. The way he stood there staring after that little Grizzly. That was a man, a huge freaking man covered in reddish brown hair. One enormous hairy man holding a tree for God's sake. If that was a Sasquatch aren't they supposed to smell? The only thing I know that smells bad is a dang bear after they roll around in a rotten carcass. No smell from this guy."
Transcribed Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MkfkxLMiEs
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