Young 'Eyeless' Girl Manifests Along Dark Back Road in the Poconos

A man and his girlfriend are traveling along a back road in the Poconos one night. They then encounter 2 young girls, both wearing early period clothing, who are standing on the edge of the road.

The recently came across the following account:

"I hope to have some insight, advice, or help on what happened about two weeks ago. I need some help to identify what exactly happened to help two family members who have not been right since the sighting.

In 2013, I moved with my family to a foreclosed 6 bedroom home on 14 acres straight up in the middle of nowhere in the Poconos. My father and I noticed very weird things going on the second we moved in, but my mother and sister seemed to not notice these things. Everyone besides me and my dad in my entire family are the, “Oh, it was the wind” type of people (if you get what I mean). Not going to go into everything that happened there as it would fall under different paranormal phenomenon. There is some evidence that the entire area of where this house is located is haunted (as in ghosts and Native American burial grounds, and other things). Now, historically speaking with actual evidence, people settled here around the Old Sciota Mill area (Sciota, PA) long ago and brutally killed many Iroquois Indians. This area is very spread out over miles of heavily wooded mountains.

Two weeks ago, my uncle on my mother’s side and his girlfriend came to visit my parent's home. They do this quite often as my parents always have people over for beer, games, bonfires, etc. I just want to start off by saying my uncle is a non-believer, a Harley rider to this day. I have never seen him really scared of anything or anyone (before this sighting).

My uncle and his girlfriend are playing foosball with my parents, when they realize it is 12:30 AM so they decide to head home. They take all back roads and once they turn onto Running Valley Road (6 minutes from the house), my uncle’s girlfriend sees two figures (they were pretty far away at this point). It was two small figures waiting to cross the road. Just to mention, there was nothing out here. No houses (besides one abandoned house that was still two miles up the road). Only thing in the vicinity is a cave. These figures were attempting to cross the road to go into the woods, which was very odd because of the time and location.

They are now approaching these figures (headlights start to shine directly on them). Both my uncle and his girlfriend see two young girls aged 9-11 approximately. One much bigger than the other, wearing what my uncle best describes as “early 1900’s church clothing.” Specifically, dresses to the knee, with white cotton shawls or cropped sweaters, and flats. Weird, right? WTF are two 10 year old girls doing at 12:30 AM in the middle of nowhere wearing church clothing? They also notice the bigger child had her arms wrapped around the smaller one. Like you would do if she was hurt, scared or cold.

At this point my uncle's girlfriend is like, “It’s children. We need to stop and help!” Now at this point, the truck is almost right next to the little girls. Both had their heads held down. Then the bigger of the two starts to pick her head up to look at the passing vehicle. Then both my uncle and his girlfriend notice the girl has no eyes. Just black holes, as if they were carved straight from her face. His girlfriend says, “WTF was that? You saw that, right? OMG, turn around and go back right now!” My uncle, who is scared shitless, takes off flying to get home.

They get home and get into an argument because she wants to drive back and see what was up. Grabs her own car keys and my uncle basically was like, “You're not going back there! We're never going on that road again!”

He calls my parents, in an extreme panic, tells them and they start bugging because they know he would never lie or be that freaked out if it wasn’t warranted. So, my mom starts to tell me everything (mind you, my fam knows NOTHING of black eye kids, never heard of it before). I send my mom an article to forward to my uncle with some of the very basic info (young kids, no eyes, dreadful feeling, sometimes outdated clothing, hitch-hiking or at your door, looking for help, etc).

Now my whole family is bugging. Sorry for this being so long. Wanted to give all the info." HG

NOTE: I don't believe that this was a BEK incident, per se. Most likely, these two girls were spirit manifestations from an earlier era. BEK do not have gouged-out eye sockets, which appears to be the case in this episode. The area where this occurred is well-known for hauntings and other unexplained phenomena (Monroe County - Hamilton Township, PA). I've worked several cases in the general area over the years. Lon

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ARCANE RADIO - 'The Spiritual Warrior' BILL BEAN - Exorcist, Spiritual Deliverance Minister & Author

Join Lon as he welcomes his longtime friend and colleague spiritual deliverance minister and author Bill Bean to another Arcane Radio Live Superchat this July 9th, 2021. Bill is known as "The Spiritual Warrior" and has performed hundreds of exorcisms and spiritual deliverances worldwide, addressing anything from curses, blocks, attachments, obsession, oppression to possession by demonic spirits. He’s also a life coach, providing guidance and advice on how to be strong in mind, body and spirit. With great sensitivity and understanding, Bill helps his clients to find solutions to a wide array of life challenges. He works with each client to help them build on their strengths to identify and achieve life goals. His most recent book is titled 'Stranger Than Fiction 2: True Supernatural Encounters of a Spiritual Warrior.' Bill's website can be found at​

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