Was 'Shadow Being' Encounter Harbinger of Acute Illness?

A couple encounter a shadow being in their residence one late night. Afterward, the witness suddenly developed an acute medical syndrome. Was it a harbinger?

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"My fiancé and I were living at his parents' house. It was about 3am that night during the summer. We were night owls, gaming late and we went to go on the porch to have a cigarette. It's the middle of the night so it's dark in the house except for a decent amount of light coming from a pretty big fish tank. It was clear enough to see walking through the very dimmed dining room towards our room without needing a light.

I walked back in first, while my fiancé was a bit behind me locking the front porch door. I was looking down walking forward and looked up. I stopped in my tracks and I was about 15 feet away from a solid black shadow standing against a white door. It had no outline of arms, legs, or features with the top head part, looking almost like a hood there wasn't any head shape from the rest of the body. It was taller than anyone living at the house. It was like 6 foot something with no face just a solid black.

I felt it just staring at me. The weird thing was I didn't feel fear or joy or any emotion what so ever while we stared at each other. I hear my fiancé slowly walking up to where I stopped and says "do you see that?" The head on my hair stood up. I didn't feel crazy or sleep deprived and having someone confirm what I was seeing really jolted me. We both felt like the minute of us both staring at it felt like ages, but it was for about a solid minute in silence of the night.

Some time after my fiancé asked if I see that too the shadow figure it was so strange. It what looked like, not teleportation, but like quickly just glided into my fiancé's brothers room next door to us. It was like a smoky kind of swoosh but faster than any person I've ever seen move. Everyone was asleep during that night.

We told his brother the next morning and he said that it was weird because he woke up in the middle of the night, which he doesn't do often, and felt like there was something there in the corner of his room.

I think about this everyday since it happened and we moved away from there. I was always a skeptic my entire life and did not believe in anything otherworldly and that experience shattered my perception of this world. I know it was real because my partner was there and I'm happy I wasn't alone to experience that because I will always have that one person who 100 percent understands and believes what we both saw. But I yearn for more knowledge to understand the secrets of these things and their purpose.

We had an experience 3 months prior to that one around the same time of night after going inside after a porch ciggy. On the way back to the room there were 3 knocks inside on the wall to our left. There was no other room behind that wall and we checked to see if anything was out there and there wasn't. We both heard it clear as day and it was still a mystery and now wonder if it was from the same shadow person.

I want to know more from you guys who've actually seen them and if they ever made any other noises like that around the house

I'm going to add one other factor I didn't write about in my other post. After encountering the shadow person my health declined dramatically. I've developed mast cell activation syndrome. a rare condition which makes me allergic to the world. It almost felt like seeing it was a warning to me because I got so sick shortly after and allergic to everything that I had to move away.

I don't know what it wanted but it just stood there staring at me making sure I knew of its existence. It wasn't scary in the moment but a weird experience that I got to share with another person with me." FD


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ARCANE RADIO Search for Africa's Mokele-mbembe Dinosaur - Alexandre Brecher Director of "The Explorer"

Join Lon Strickler as he welcomes Alexandre Brecher the writer/director of "The Explorer" to Arcane Radio on March 19th, 2021 EDT. In the heart of the largely unexplored Congo Basin forest hides the Mokele-mbembe, a semi-aquatic animal whose shape and dimensions resemble those of a sauropod dinosaur. Do you disbelieve? 'You are wrong,' would say Michel Ballot, The Explorer, a former lawyer who left everything 15 years ago to try to find the animal. Put on the animal's trail by one of his trackers, Michel decides to set up his most ambitious expedition yet to finally bring tangible proof of the creature's existence.

Alexandre Brecher is an international communication expert, writer and documentary filmmaker, born in France in 1984. After graduating in communication and film studies in Paris, Alexandre embraced an career in international development, working with various UN agencies and NGOs in Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Pacific. He spent three years in Cameroon, during which he shot 2 feature-length documentaries, "Message in a Bottle" (2018) and "The Explorer" (2020). He is also the author of numerous corporate films he produced for different UN agencies and international NGOs.

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