The Riley Crabb Revelations - Part III


The Riley Crabb Revelations - Part III

By Raymond A. Keller, PhD, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” the author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Series, published by Headline Books and available on, while supplies last.

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

Illustration by Gerry Wood for book by Mollie Brown, Flying Saucers and Outer Space (London, United Kingdom:  Tyndall Mitchell, Ltd., 1969).  

Secrets of Flying Saucer Propulsion

In 1954, while working inside the Department of Defense, Riley H. Crabb had an inkling that both the Air Force and Navy brass were beginning to pull scientists and technicians together for the purpose of searching for a new and radical kind of propulsion for vehicles that could operate under the sea, in the air and even in such hostile environments as might be encountered in outer space.  His suspicions were confirmed on 29 August 1955, when the London, United Kingdom, Daily Express newspaper broke the secret in the following dispatch: “More than a dozen European scientists are signed up by the Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Company of Baltimore, Maryland, to help crack the New Frontiers.  The experts will work on problems of space travel and a method of circumventing gravity.”

Just three months after this security leak in the world press, the New York City, New York, Herald Tribune, European edition, ran a series of three articles, written by their aviation editor, Ansel Talbert, wherein he interviewed George S. Trimble, the brilliant young scientist then in charge of the Advanced Design Division of the Martin Aircraft Company in Baltimore, about the possibility of overcoming the force of gravity directly with some new source of power.  Said Trimble, “I think we could do the job in about the same time that it actually required to build the first atom bomb, if enough trained scientific brain-power simultaneously began thinking about and working toward a solution to overcome gravity.  I know that if Washington decides it will be vital to our national survival to go where we want and to do what we want without having to worry about gravity, we’d find the answer rapidly.”  See my series of articles, “Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined,” published on this blogsite in twenty parts, starting last year.  

Riley’s friend Gray Barker in Clarksburg, West Virginia, the publisher of the Saucerian magazine, clued him in on a tip that he had received from a reader in California that, “Scientists and heads of certain industries here on the West Coast had been invited under rigid security, to the Hotel Statler in New York for a secret meeting, the code name for which was ‘Aircraft Engine Power.’  But they weren’t there to discuss anything so common as jet planes.  It involved a fantastic new source of power, utilizing neutronic energy of a highly advanced nature which could be expelled from an aircraft to give it rocket-like thrust.  It was hinted that the secret had been learned from taking apart an interplanetary saucer from Venus, one that crashed at Aztec, New Mexico, back in 1948.”

From the period of 1948 through 1955, however, apart from the proceedings of the Gravity Research Foundation in New Boston, New Hampshire, little attention was paid to the subject of researching the incorporation of an anti-gravity drive in the development of advanced aerospace platforms.  It was considered by most scientists to be something relegated purely to the realm of a “Buck Rogers’ type of science fiction.”  Even the late Caltech President and physicist, Robert Andrews Millikan (1868-1953), who won the Nobel Prize in 1923 for his measurement of the elementary electric charge and his work on the photoelectric effect, had scoffed at the very notion that anyone could ever create an anti-gravity device.  Millikan, like 99% of the other scientists in the 1950s, believed that gravity was just some all-pervasive, universal power beyond our power to understand or to control. 

In the defense establishment, one gains access to classified information only on a “need to know” basis.  Riley, ever cognizant of this fact, turned his attention to the UFO community for further enlightenment as to the motive power of the flying saucers.  It was late in 1955 that Morris K. Jessup, M.S., a noted astronomer and astrophysicist from the Lamont-Hussey Observatory of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, who authored his classic book, Case for the UFO, which so inspired Riley in his own private investigations.  Jessup also went on to write three other books about the UFO phenomenon, UFO Annual (New York City, New York:  Citadel Press, 1956), UFO and the Bible (New York City, New York:  Citadel Press, 1956), and the Expanded Case for the UFO (New York City, New York:  Citadel Press, 1957); but neither of these were as well received as his first offering.  Without a doubt, Jessup was a genius-type university professor who deserted the ivy halls of academia for the “way-out” field of ufology.  According to Riley’s assessment, “Jessup could never quite cross the Cosmic Barrier which full understanding of the UFO requires; but his efforts to build a bridge between the visible and the invisible worlds are noteworthy in the UFO field and well worth reading and study.”  In this regard, Riley was greatly impressed a short article written by Jessup that appeared in the January 1956 issue of the Saucerian magazine, published by Gray Barker in Clarksburg, West Virginia, that follows below:

“Probably the most consideration of all from the viewpoint of science and engineering is the question of motive power.  Jets have been suggested, as have rockets.  They have to be rejected forthwith because of the inability of carrying fuel and material for reactional ejection.  Magnetic drives have been almost universally postulated; therefore, let us consider these for a moment.

“The Earth does have a very intense magnetic field, but it is restricted to the immediate neighborhood of the planet, and is variable and whimsical in its nature and erratically influence by sunspot activity.  Only magnetic and para-magnetic materials can react to the magnetic field, or at best to another magnetic field set up by induction.  To obtain a space drive from such a mechanism, the thrust must be picked up by a magnet or coil which is reacting with the magnetic field and mechanically transmitted to the craft, and, through the structure of the craft, to the people, animals, beings or entities enclosed in the craft and operating it.

“Therefore, all the terrific and unbelievable accelerations which have been repeatedly observed must be externally applied to such beings, carnate or not, as may be operating the saucers.  The fact that carnate beings cannot withstand external pressure and stresses of such magnitude has been used by the scientifically elite as a means of ridiculing the whole idea of the UFO.  Granting the reality of the UFO, thee observed facts do not negate the UFO, but merely demonstrate the impossibility of externally applied accelerations, due to any cause including jets, rockets or magnetic drive.  If neither the structure of the craft nor the sinew of its pilots can withstand such stress, the actual observation demands another power source.

 “Science to the contrary, notwithstanding, there is such a source.  It is the reaction of the gravitational field, which is universal, and as compared to the magnetic field, it is relatively uniform and unfluctuating.  While reaction to a magnetic field can only be had from magnetic and metallic materials, reaction to a gravitational thrust can be applied to all materials having mass.  Thus, gravitational thrust and be applied to all the molecules of any carnate being or UFO structure simultaneously, and so eliminate external pressure.  No calculable amount of acceleration would then be felt by any being subjected to such a force, which would act uniformly through the interior of his body.  Not only would there be no harmful results, there would not be any sensation of acceleration whatsoever, either to the craft or its operators.

“The UFO is propelled by a cheap source of power, therefore a reaction with the gravitational field, comparable to the reaction of the sails of an old-fashioned sailing ship with the wind.  It is high time we stopped spending the taxpayers’ money for impractical rocket development, and invest in basic research to uncover the secret of gravitational drive which was known even to antediluvian civilizations.”

It is clear from Jessup’s last sentence in the article quoted above that he was making reference to the gravity-free flights of aerial vessels of certain Earth civilizations that flourished before the Great Flood, such as Atlantis and Lemuria.  Most likely, Jessup was unaware that the Air Force and Navy had already initiated an anti-gravity project with the Martin Company of Baltimore in the very same year he came out with his first blockbuster UFO book, 1955.  

Riley commented that, “We have to thank Jessup for reminding us that when a spaceship establishes its own gravity field, it becomes a unit including everything inside it.  Therefore, if a highspeed turn is made and you are inside, you will not feel that a turn is being made.  You are the gravity yourself.  You would not be aware of any acceleration or deceleration, unless you could look outside the ship to some reference point, such as the Earth.  You are in and part of the gravity field of the Earth, so you are not aware of the nearly thousand-miles-per-hour speed that the Earth is spinning now, on its axis.  The gravity of the Earth affects every cell of your body at the same time, instantaneously.  It is not acting or pushing on you from outside.  Obviously, this is a universal type of force which should have great fascination to our scientists now; and it does.”

Anti-Gravity Breakthrough Anticipated

Riley maintained optimism about anti-gravity research in the United States.  In 1965, he opined that, “Ten years of research have gone by, so it is not surprising that successful demonstration of this radical new source of power is within sight.  It is now being forced upon us by the astronomical cost of rocket power!  We may be able to spend $40 billion for the Apollo trip to the Moon without it hurting too much; but a manned trip to Mars in 1980 may cost $200 billion or more!  Ouch!  My pocketbook!  Therefore, if we are going to the planets, here’s a practical dollars-and-cents reason for developing anti-gravity:  A Bendix Systems Division engineer, Clyde R. Murtaugh, outlined the dimensions of the problem and predicted the inevitable results at a meeting of the Mechanical Engineers and the Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers in Detroit, Michigan, the second week of February 1965” (Flying Saucers Uncensored, Vista, California:  Borderland Sciences Research Associates Foundation, Inc., 1965).

From Murtaugh’s talk, the astute ufologist Riley surmised that a huge propulsion breakthrough coming to light around 1971 was “highly probable.”  The technical approach most likely would be based on producing a force by some means other than mass expulsion/rocket power.  But in order to facilitate this development, Riley predicted that several factors needed to simultaneously exist, thus establishing a need for moving in this revolutionary new direction.  These included:

1. An urgent need.  A real, well-defined technological barrier had to be identified that stood firmly in the path of immediate progress.

2. An economic incentive.  This needed to be of sufficient magnitude to justify the rapid development of such support technology not previously applied to this barrier, even in the face of established processes, facilities and product lines.  

3. A new technique.  Any breakthrough would, by necessity, be characterized by the emergence of a new technique.  However, this technique would need to be one that differed radically from the technique leading to the propulsion barrier.  “The importance of this element,” noted the Bendix scientist, “cannot be stressed too highly.”

Riley Speculates

Given the information gleaned from Murtaugh, Riley speculated that the gravity breakthrough was most likely based on then extant scientific technologies attained to in the United States.  The big question for Riley was, “Which technology will be called upon to support the new development?”  For example, when James Watt developed the steam engine in 1769, this was a radical breaking out of the confines imposed by horse power.  Clearly, the success of Watt’s inventions for the steam engine depended on advancements made in the metalworking trades.  His five-ft. diameter pistons were only an inch out of round, which back in the second half of the 18th century was considered to be gauged at an unprecedented degree of accuracy.  

The evidence of a propulsion barrier was established by the space programs of both the Soviet Union and the United States.  This was a definite factor that needed to be considered for any future space exploration beyond the Apollo or Luna programs of the United States and the Soviet Union, respectively, and the focus for any manned Mars landing mission in the 1980s and beyond by either of these two space-faring powers, or any other power on Earth that might care to enter the space race.  

Any progress being made in the United States in 1965 beyond the imminent landing of a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth, had to be factored into new developments in spacecraft propulsion.  Riley was cognizant of liberal political opposition to spending on the space program in the United States Congress, despite the fact that it was the liberal Democrat President John F. Kennedy who established the Moon shot objective in the first place.  If new methods of spacecraft propulsion could not be found, Riley saw two viable alternatives for American technological developments:

1. The dilution of planetary exploration activities through increased interest is some related field, such as oceanography.

2. The substitution of a national objective in a different field, perhaps education, food production or medicine.  

Riley recognized the genius in Murtaugh when he put forward for the consideration of the Detroit electricians and engineers the following alternatives to rocket power that could be put in place to continue the space program to newer frontiers beyond the Moon and Mars.  According to Murtaugh, “After eliminating rocket power from consideration, our focus should be on the development of a self-contained source of ‘pure’ force defined as requiring no exhaust of propellant mass and the supplying of thrust from an Earth or lunar base.  Three such ‘pure’ forces are known to exist:  gravitational, electric and magnetic.  Each has a place in Albert Einstein’s universal field theory and may be viewed as a type of anti-gravity….”

The esotericist Riley, accustomed to “thinking outside the box,” as it were, understood that any revolutionary developments such as Murtaugh was proposing depended upon our scientists being able to establish a well-defined statement of the propulsion barrier problem.  Insofar as this statement had heretofore been defined solely in the context of chemical or thermodynamic terms, the emphasis remained locked on rocketry.  The Bendix engineer Murtaugh was the only one seeing the situation clearly and objectively; that the conquering of gravity required a new paradigm that incorporated new techniques and new supporting technology.  This would include a new understanding of matter, with nuclear physics being replaced with a new type of physics.  For Riley, the older 19th century theories of aether physics (variable spelling “ether,” as used by Riley and members of the Borderland Sciences group) might be dusted off and reconsidered.  These could be updated and given new terminology.  To some extent, much of the work accomplished by the late electronics wizard Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 - 7 January 1943), was based on just such theorization (Meg Neal, “Eternal Quest for Aether….,” Popular Mechanics, New York City, New York, 19 October 2018).  

Nikola Tesla was one of the first advocates of Ether Physics.  Riley Crabb believed this theory held the secrets of understanding the universe.  Illustration source:  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.


Keep reading this column, for in Part IV of the Cosmic Ray’s series of articles, “Riley Crabb Revelations,” we will join Riley in his fight against the corporate and political powers that were, and still are, covering up the truth about anti-gravity research; and we will explore the mysteries of the electro-gravitic field of the Sun that encompasses a solar system of 60 planets.  Besides the twelve planets that exist on the physical plane, we’ll become acquainted with 48 other planets on the ethereal level.  In particular, we will travel with the noted esotericist Riley H. Crabb to Venus Etheria on a cosmic tour beyond the limits of human imagination! 

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