Frightening Bigfoot Encounter Accounts!

5 Bigfoot encounter reports recently posted on social media. A few are fairly harrowing, involving several witnesses and experiencers to the incidents.

The following Bigfoot encounter accounts were recently posted on social media:

"I have had a few experiences over the years living in Appalachia when I was a kid. I would see what I referred to as a dark shaggy man watching us from time to time and was always mocked as having an active imagination. As years went on, working in the woods, I and a few others saw what we at first thought was a creepy guy off in the distance sitting on a downed tree in a ghillie suit watching us. Above his head was a post sign, AKA property marker. Later on when we were up by said down tree is when I realized that sitting this man head reached that six foot marker whereas I said on the tree in the same spot. Being six foot, the sign was a foot above my head and he seemed to have just disappeared.

We still pass it off as a large man in a ghillie suit creepily watching us until a few of us were partying and camping up in that area a few years later and came across loud snapping sounds in the middle of the night. It could have been from the pouring rain but the next morning, not too far off from our camp, a large footprint, in spirit, handprint were on the hillside going up from our camp. That kind of sent chills down my spine. A little bit considering. It wasn't too far from where we were camping. I told others about it they laughed at me so we decided together that the 13 of us to go hiking in that area in the middle of the night. We all got spooked by what started as a whoop which we were thinking could be a deer or a moose but it quickly switched up to a guttural growl to a roar. Not one of us stuck around to see what the hell it was. As we turned to start hauling ass out of there a large tree branch went flying past us, which got us moving a lot faster. Not one of us was brave enough to go back or think to grab a camera or anything like that. That to me made me believer regardless of what anyone else says" RW


"In 1980 on a canoe trip through the Boundary Waters. We were about 100 yards out from our new camp sight when movement caught my eye. On shore, about 50 yards from our camp something huge and hairy leapt from the beach back into the woods. There were 10 of us, but only myself and one other guy saw it. I was only 14 years old, but I knew it wasn't a bear or a moose (which we did see a few days later at a different lake). Needless to say, I didn't sleep much that night." CS


"It happened just north of Cottage Grove, Oregon on I-5, 10 miles from the London Track Way. It was after dark, on a moonless night and the Bigfoot was fully lit from head to toe from my headlights. My first thought was, "Wow, that guy's arms are HUGE!" I figured his upper arm was a foot wide. I though it was a man, until it took a step and I could see its entire bottom of its foot, toes down, knee bent at about 90%. I then knew exactly what it was. I figured it was about 7 1/2-8 1/2' tall as compared to the cars. It was an orangish-brown color from head to toe except the bottom of its foot and what I thought was its palm, they were a very light, off white, or light tan color. It looked like a man in a snow suit with the hood up as its head was very large and came to a point on the top, no visible neck. It was a tall Shaq-like figure. But as it was at the side of the road walking away from me I didn't see its face. It was quite up right and didn't seem to be in any hurry. It had just crossed a 4-lane freeway in the dark with no street lights and no flash light. As I am a field researcher and the encounter was very exciting. But I really would have liked to seen its face." LN


"My dogs woke me barking and I looked out toward the field and they were circling a big dark blob. I’m thinking, 'oh lord, bear!' I started to open my window to call them back and this thing stood up and took off toward the mountain and stepped over a barbed wire fence. Second time I was screamed at in my yard from 15 ft. away and we got a spotlight on it going up a 45 degree grade on the mountain beside the house through a briar thicket a goat wouldn’t go through. They killed my chickens. Didn’t eat them. Killed my dog. Swiped all the fruit from my trees and bushes. Tore the door off my breezeway and left it in the yard. Dropped trees to the creek path, etc. Long duration moans with embedded eee-ooo sounds in them, rock clacking, wood knocks." EM


"This was the summer of 2016. The lake dried up a bit and the water level was down about 20 ft. I was up at Icehouse Reservoir in the California mountains. It was Fourth of July weekend and we wanted to go camping. My dad's been there before and he wanted to show me his spot. The weather was nice.

After setting up camp me, my sister, two step brothers and I decided to go for a walk. We went down to the water and we were looking for stuff. I turned my head and I thought I was staring at a dead redwood tree that broke off at about 9 feet. But I started noticing limbs, arms and legs, then I seen facial features! I turned to look at my sister and step brothers and their jaws were dropped. They were completely in shock! I looked back and it started to walk away. Once we couldn't see him anymore, you can hear branches breaking and tree limbs, it sounded like a bulldozer was going through there!

We took off as fast as we can. my step brother kept falling because he had flip flops on. He took those off and bolted on big and sharp rocks he was so scared. His feet were all cut up when we got back to camp. He told our dad we saw a Bigfoot. He told us it was a bear, buy it didn't even look close to a bear! It was more human than anything! I was too in shock to speak. My sister stayed in the car for the rest of the day in shock. She didn't want to leave the safety of the car. I remember it like it was yesterday!" KS

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David Weatherly Paranormal Investigator Cryptozoologist UFOlogist | Arcane Radio 9PM EST Mar.5.2021

Join Lon Strickler as he welcomes cryptid & paranormal researcher and author David Weatherly to Arcane Radio. David Weatherly is a renaissance man of the strange and supernatural. He has traveled the world in pursuit of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs, magic and more. From the specters of dusty castles, to remote, haunted islands, from ancient sites, to modern mysteries, he has journeyed to the most unusual places on the globe seeking the unknown. David became fascinated with the paranormal at a young age. Ghost stories and accounts of weird creatures and UFOs led him to discover many of his early influences. Writers such as such as John Keel, Jacques Vallee, Hans Holzer and others set him on course to spend his life exploring and investigating the unexplained. His shamanic and magical background has given him a unique perspective in his explorations into the unknown, and he continues to write, travel and explore, leaving no stone unturned in his quest for the strange and unusual. David has investigated, and written about, a diverse range of topics including, Hauntings, Cryptozoology, Ufology, Ancient Mysteries, Shamanism, Magic and Psychic Phenomena. In 2012, David founded the independent media and publishing company, Leprechaun Productions. David's newest books are 'Monsters at the Crossroads: Cryptids & Legends of Indiana,' and more recently 'Monsters of the Tar Heel State: Cryptids & Legends of North Carolina.'
For more information David Weatherly's website is at
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