Bigfoot Observed Near Monkey Mountain Park Reserve in Jackson County, Missouri (Photo)

The following report was submitted and forwarded by BFRO researcher & investigator Carter Buschardt. He is also a member of Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research:

Report # 41395  (Class A)

Submitted by witness on Thursday, June 13, 2013.

Daylight sighting outside Grain Valley near the Monkey Mountain Park Reserve

YEAR: 2013

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 7th

STATE: Missouri

COUNTY: Jackson County

LOCATION DETAILS: Monkey Mountain is an 855 acre nature preserve in Eastern Jackson County, halfway in-between Grain Valley and Oak Grove.

NEAREST TOWN: Grain Valley


OBSERVED: On the 7th of June 2013 a friend of mine and I decided to visit the Monkey Mountain Nature Reserve in Grain Valley as she believed we might catch sight of a Sasquatch, since there had been documented sightings in that area and she knew that I was very interested in the Sasquatch legend. As we traveled down E RD Mize Road towards the parking lot area, we were startled when a large creature on all fours crossed the road less than a hundred feet in front of us. My friend stopped the car and we watched it cross the road from North to South. It appeared it had come from a field to the right of us. It was covered in dark hair and very muscular. The back was arched and its head was tucked. I didn’t see a tail of any kind. I did however, notice the hair on its back was considerably shorter than it was on the rest of its body. It seemed to just glide across the road which I though was strange since it was very large. I’m guessing it weighed at least five hundred pounds or more. I reached for my camera which was in my lap but the creature had already disappeared. We continued down the road and reached the parking lot where I asked my friend to go back so that we could look for prints, but she refused. I told her I thought we’d just seen a Sasquatch and she told me it must have been a large dog possibly a Newfoundland because they are large black dogs. I told her that we had a better chance of seeing a Sasquatch in that particular area than a Newfoundland. It was then she told me that she was going to keep quiet about what we had seen and that I should do the same, which obviously I didn’t do. I know what I saw and it wasn’t a dog, a deer or anything I had ever seen before.

ALSO NOTICED: No I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

OTHER WITNESSES: There were two of us.

OTHER STORIES: Yes, There was an incident just recently that involved a hunter and his dogs in approx. the same area as my sighting.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was about 3:00 in the afternoon. It was a beautiful day partly cloudy with a slight breeze a little humid.

ENVIRONMENT: The incident occurred near an open field.


Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Carter Buschardt:

I spoke with the witness for nearly 2 hours. She had filed a report about 2 weeks prior from when she was out taking photographs. I am quite familiar with both locations and there are 3 other reports at this, and the other location. They are 30 minutes from my home, and I have been to both. After her initial encounter, she became quite interested in the Sasquatch phenomenon and was devouring as much information as possible. Being Native American, she has some childhood memories of the subject.

She told her girlfriend about the first encounter, and the girlfriend told her they should maybe go to Monkey Mountain, because "I think they have lots of woods there". Her above report is pretty concise and I will add to it per our conversation.

They were headed east on the road towards the parking lot. It had black hair, not fur. The hair on the arms was 2-3 inches long and it appeared shorter on the massive back, but not by much. The back, arms, legs and buttocks were very muscular and she could see the musculature rippling as it moved. The head was tucked in towards the right side of its body as it moved from left to right. In her words, "its movement was elegant, graceful, flowing like a Gazelle". The back was heavily arched, and would be somewhat similar to what a human would look like if it were to try to run on all fours without the knees touching the ground. The hair was flowing as it ran, and the build was as described, estimated to be at least 8 ft. tall and a minimum of 500 lbs. The bottoms of its feet "were white", or at the very least, considerably lighter than the rest of the body. The creature was "incredibly, powerfully built".

This location has had recent and steady activity, and this investigator has filed 3 reports at this location. I did not interview the friend, as stated, her friend says she didn't see anything but a big dog.

After our conversation, the witness had a second sighting on a trail in the James A. Reed Wildlife Area and called me. She often visits the area of her prior Report #41195, and she walks the same trail every time she goes out there, many times with her granddaughter in tow. She said it was clear as a bell and knows exactly what she saw. This occurred within 100 feet of a previous sighting filed by myself, see Report #40306. She called all excited and out of breath. "I got him, I got him"......she was watching it as it watched her, to the side of the trail, and snapped several pics.

Unfortunately the photos didn't come out all that clear, this is the best one:

This witness would rate high on the observational skills. She is a retired psychologist, studied physiology and anatomy. She has interviewed criminal suspects and is a keen observer of body language and traits. Very well spoken and her story never wavered. This witness would be one of the best witnesses interviewed by myself.

Carter Buschardt
Sasquatch Research & Investigator
BFRO Investigator Mo.,Ks.,Ar.,Ok.

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Dave Spinks | Paranormal Investigator, 'West Virginia Bigfoot' |Arcane Radio 02.12.2021 @9PM Eastern

Join Lon Strickler as he welcomes respected paranormal researcher, investigator and author Dave Spinks to Arcane Radio on February 12th, 2021. Dave Spinks has been researching and investigating the paranormal since 1986 due to several experiences he had as a young man. Since that time he has conducted several hundred investigations in the U.S. as well as Europe. Dave served in the U.S. Air Force for 8 Years and went on to work as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer Retiring in 2011. During his paranormal investigations Dave has experienced many hair raising and unnerving things as one might imagine. Having investigated strange phenomena for over 30 years he has built many friendships with some of the most well known investigators in the field today. Dave has been seen on many television programs to include, Expedition X, Terror in the Woods, Paranormal 911, The unXplained, In Search of Monsters, and These Woods are Haunted to name a few. He was also featured in the Film Flatwoods Monster, (A legacy of Fear), by Small Town Monsters. Dave is often a featured guest speaker at Paranormal Conferences around the country. He is also an author on topics that include Cryptids, Hauntings and UFOlogy releasing his first book "West Virginia Bigfoot", in 2018 and was featured in the highly successful "Woodknocks" series by David Weatherly. Dave is also the co-founder of the Society of the Supernatural with his colleague researcher David Weatherly. Visit Dave Spinks' website to learn more Dave Spinks - Paranormal Investigatior

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