UFO / Alien Abduction Observed by Brothers in Bossier, Louisiana

2 brothers, living in a trailer park in Bossier, Louisiana, observe a saucer craft land near the neighboring residence. 2 girls are seen walking into the craft, then soon walk back into their home.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"I have not talked about this for 55 years, and it's time that I disclose a strange event, which took place in 1965.

My brother and I witnessed aliens abducting two young girls who lived in the trailer next door. We never told a soul about this encounter, and now that he has passed. I am the only person left to recount the events of that fateful night, which changed our lives forever.

We were living near Bossier City Louisiana, as our father was working deep underground in the Air Force missile silos, and he was gone for days at a time in these bunkers. He had just come home on a three-day leave, and we were so happy to be able to spend time with him.

My brother and I played rough with our dad all day and we were bushed, come bed time. I slept in the upper bunk, and my brother in the lower.

Suddenly, around 4:00 AM we were both awakened by a low thundering sound, and the most brilliantly colored light display, just outside our window at the foot of our bunk bed. I moved to the window and looked down to see my brother looking out as well. We both watched a flying saucer land in the field, close to our neighbor's trailer. Our family was very close to these neighbors, and the two young girls living there, were friends to my brother and myself. I can't recall their names, but they were approximately seven and ten years old.

We debated about waking our parents. But were so frightened, and thought if we wake them, and they start turning on outside lights or walk outside with any weapons. There would be  sheer panic in the trailer park. So, we sat very quietly and simply observed.

This flying saucer was about 50 feet in diameter, and had multi colored lights around the perimeter. Everything beneath the craft was distorted and wavy, as it was gently settling down in the dirt field. There were four metal legs that slid down from the craft, with round pads on each. All of the lights on the craft went out, within about 30 seconds after it landed. But, a light blue glow started to envelope the craft and it made the area around it glow as well. Then, a ramp slid down from the craft and a door opened up. We could partially see inside the ship. There were dull red and orange lights on the walls, and an electrical crackling sound, emanating from the interior. Then the interior lights went out and the weird sound stopped. Suddenly, a figure started to walk down the ramp and was followed by another.

Now, I think I should mention, my brother and I were never allowed to watch any science fiction shows or movies with aliens or spaceships. I had never even seen a drawing or picture of a saucer before this. We were allowed to watch cartoons like Scooby Doo, and Bugs Bunny. Along with shows like The Wonderful World of Disney and Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. So, this was truly an adventurous night for us, and definitely something very new.

The first two beings were walking down the ramp and made their way into the light of our neighbors yard. There was a light on the back of their trailer and their porch. When they got closer to the brighter light on their porch we could see that they were dressed in the same color of suits. But the weird thing was, that their skin appeared to be the same color as well. They looked human in shape and size, but moved in a way that made them function more like robots. Every movement was very smooth and effortless, as though they were moving about in water. They now remind me of the "Blue Man Group" from Las Vegas, because they were completely blue all over. Then, another two beings exited the craft, and they were green. Another two, that were red. Until there were six of them in all. They walked in line, up to the door of the trailer. They all passed right through the door, without opening it, and that scared the heck out of us! We were asking each other, "Did you see that? What are they going to do with our friends?"

Minutes later, they passed through the door again, and they were leading the two girls all the way back to their ship. The girls appeared as though they were sleep walking and even had their eyes closed, but walked just fine, without any help from these strange beings. Now, if you are wondering, yes, the girls passed right through the door, without it being opened too.

Only about five minutes later, they exited the ship and lead the girls back into the trailer. But, when the beings passed through the door, for the last time as they were coming out, they all crouched down slightly, turned and looked directly at our window. Each one did this in succession, and they smiled and waved at us! Now at this point, my brother and I were in complete shock. We were unable to say a word.

They entered the ship, and as the last one went inside, the interior lights came back on. The strange noise started up again and the door closed. The ramp slid back up inside the craft, and as it slowly lifted off the ground the four legs retracted up as well. The amazingly colorful lights came back on around the perimeter of the ship and it slowly lifted skyward. It was about 25 feet in the air, then it shot straight up and out of sight in less than a second.

The last being standing at the door of the ship waved at my brother and I before it closed. I thought I should point that out as well. That is the lasting image burned into my memory every since that strange night. My brother and I talked about that night, possibly thousands of times, before he passed away. But, we never discussed it with any one else. Ever!

We tried so hard to see if their was anything different about our neighbor's daughters, after that night. But, we didn't notice anything unusual.

The Louisiana UFO event troubles me to this day. More so than any other event. I have often wondered, if my brother and I were the actual abductees, and the memory of the girls abduction was planted. But, in any case, two or possibly even four people were contacted/abducted that night. Of that I am sure! I want to find answers to this event some how. Even if it means going to a qualified hypnotist, experienced in the abduction phenomena. I have to know exactly what happened in 1965!

I wonder if those two young girls are now going through abduction therapy as adults. So many unanswered questions, and I think about that night every single day of my life. I need to get this monkey off of my back, somehow." NM

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