Multiple Alien Encounters, Possible Abduction & Experimentation, in Cumming, Georgia

A couple in Cumming, Georgia experience a close encounter with unknown beings while in the bedroom. Afterward, they notice puncture marks and bruises on each of their bodies.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

Back on June 18, 2019 my friend and I, while at my house in Cumming, Georgia, experienced an alien encounter and possible abduction. The 2 weeks prior to this event I had the feeling, at my house which I live in alone with my dog and cat, that I was always being watched.

I could not seem to catch the shadows/figures that seemed to be everywhere but no where in my house. I’d catch black figures and slight shadows outside my windows in bushes. I’d see a white orbs floating around that were very clearly different from the fireflies. I’d see a white light floating behind one of roses bushes.

That night, I had gone to the rest room. My friend had let my dog off the back porch where she chased something that wasn’t there. She proceeded to chase it until the start of the small section of woods that I had seen other shadows had disappeared into. When I walked out the door I heard my dog growling at something that neither of us could see at that moment. Walking down to her she had all the hair standing up on her body and when I gave the command to go track or find whatever. Peering into the woods, not seeing my dog or anything, we heard a shuffle in the fallen leaves. Then, what seemed to be a high pitch screech, louder than a jet engine would sound.

After we went inside and tried just watching some TV and hang out from then on, it sounded like little pebbles or something was tapping the side of my house and windows.

About 30 minutes later I walked out onto my back porch to put some clothes in the dryer. While in the laundry room my friend, standing on the back deck, starts insisting we need to get inside now. We were seeing floating orbs around and a distant figure standing on the edge of the woods, only being able to see its shape. We proceeded back inside and from there it got even worse.

My friend got the vibe and feeling that he didn’t wanna sleep on my couch. So I let him crash in my bed with me. After turning out the lights and TV the whole house seemingly started vibrating. The sounds of things hitting off my house became more intense. The glasses in the kitchen were vibrating. We can both hear them in the cabinet. Sounds of languages and conversations that we could not understand start happening. Bumps and bangs in the back of my house where nothing was on and locked off from my animals through the night. My dog, laying in bed with us, seemed to start to growl; then just stop like something calmed her.

After that I tried to sleep and my friend said he was going to try and meditate. After that I can slightly remember not being able to move and a white light peering through my closed eyelids. The flickering of figures filing in and around the bedroom. At the same time me and my friend both popped up and when the lights came on we both had looks of sensory overload like someone just hit a reset on our brains.

We tried to go to sleep with the lights on when the same thing happened again. We both arose again at the same time, looked at each other and said we need to get the f*ck out now.

Backing out of my driveway we both seemingly picked out a figure with some sort of owl-like face standing in the woods. We left the house for the night. My friend went to a person who is open about this sort of things. She took him to a spiritual cleanser, who listened to his story and said that it was out of her league. After meeting up the day after we both seemed to have IV prick marks on our arms in the same locations. Also bruises and scratches. He had a mark on his side that looks like a medical device implanted something. - Name withheld

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