6 Ft Tall 'Mantis' Entity Encountered Outside of Fillmore, NY Home

A New York woman had an encounter with a 6 foot tall entity with the mantis shaped head. Since that incident, she believes she may have been abducted because of lost time.

I received the following account after my post the previous day:

"This is in response to your recent post about a mantis-like entity. The incident occurred on June 22, 2018 a bit before 12 AM midnight in Fillmore, New York. I was in the shed to use WiFi for my phone because the kids were on devices and dogs are loud in the house.

While I was watching from inside the shed I noticed something an hour after I was in there. I heard movement of something shuffling in the tall grass. I thought it was a deer until my cat started growling and staring at the shed door. When I scanned the tree line and bushes with my big LED light I thought I saw a head pop up into the dark. I pretended I didn't see it and spotted my light to the left and heard it quickly get closer. I flashed the light back fast and it was very close, now about 30 feet in front of me. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever but I know it was probably only 20 seconds or so. I was so scared I couldn't move. Also it didn't move as I watched it.

I noticed its limbs and features while we stared at each other. It was greenish-grey with very big mantis eyes. The skin was smooth and had broad shoulders, but as you followed down it got skinny. The eyebrow ridge stuck out with a wide head with an upward slant. Its eyes reflected green. There were light green flecks that shown yellow and orange from my light. It was over 6 foot tall.

I suddenly got the feeling that it was going to grab me, so I slammed the shed door and turned and ran to my house. When I got in I told my husband about what I had seen, I noticed that a whole hour pasted by it was now a few minutes after 1AM. I know I didn't look at this thing for an hour. My husband came out with me with his gun but it was gone.

I was really scared after that. I will not be out at night anymore. I always feel like I'm being watched. I started to look into UFOs and abductions. I had never read up on this before my experience and now believe I was abducted, but have no memory of it." HC

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Catskill Appalachian Research Collective | Bigfoot Research | Arcane Radio 9PM EST Jan.8.2021

Join Lon as he welcomes members of the Catskill Appalachian Research Collective to Arcane Radio on January 8th 2021. The Catskill Appalachian Research Collective (CARC) is a group set up to research and advance serious study of various fringe science, and paranormal topics, most notably Bigfoot. This will be a great show! The CARC Facebook page can be found at Catskill Appalachian Research Collective (CARC)

Join us this Friday, December 11th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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