Scary Dogman Encounter in Yeovil, Somerset, UK

A Welsh man travels to Yeovil, Somerset to visit a friend. The friend leaves him alone that night, resulting in a scary encounter with a possible dogman in the stables.

The following account was referred to me:

"My encounter happened in mid-July 2015. It was a gorgeous Saturday and I was looking forward to traveling down from Wales to Yeovil, Somerset to spend a weekend at a friend’s house and have a relaxing weekend away. The drive was long and full of traffic on the way to Somerset. This was the first time I had ever been to his house where he lives alone.

I soon discovered that he lives far from any main roads, as I drove my car through winding country lanes 3 miles away from the closest 'A' road, with barely any houses around the location (just to help you imagine how dark it was that night).

Once I arrived we both decided to go to his local pub about 20 minute walk from his place to grab a meal as we both didn't feel like cooking. After we finished our dinner I excused myself for a after dinner smoke outside the front when I noticed two men, one of which had a large Irish Wolfhound. He seemed to be upset speaking to his friend (both looked late 60s to mid 70s in age). When I was eavesdropping on their conversation, the older man with his dog was explaining how two, yes two of his enormous Irish Wolfhounds went missing one night when he shut them out for the night.

I just dismissed this as dogs are stolen quite often. I stubbed out my fag and we walked back to his place. Soon after arriving at his house he told me he was going to spend the night at his girlfriend’s for a night of fun. He asked me if I would be OK staying at his place alone? Of course I replied, 'Sure mate. No worries.' This meant I could just chill, drink some tea, smoke and watch a film or two. I am normally a horror fan but being on my own and in the middle of nowhere that night I decided to watch a more sensible choice.

At 12:30 am my film of choice 'Die Hard' had finished. I went around the house, checking that the doors and large windows were locked, only leaving the smaller windows open, as it was extremely warm that night. I laid on his sofa to sleep with my sheet, completely engulfed in the darkness with not a single light on in the house or outside.

I had been asleep for an hour when I was a woken by a yipping noise! My eyes at this point were wide open laying there but listening to his horribly creepy noise. I guessed a dog but I’ve never heard a dog make that noise before. The noise was coming from the stables next door, which were empty, and was moving all around the house. After about 10 minutes it stopped.

I, being myself, wondered if it was a fox or foxes fighting and playing? So I rolled a cigarette, grabbed a torch from my car and walked out into the yard/drive to the rear of the house and stables. I was on guard in case it was a dog like them missing Irish Wolfhounds, which are very, very large dogs.

That's when I heard a loud, but very low rumbling growl from behind the stables. I completely froze. Shining my light onto the end of the stable I could see nothing there, but knew from hunting that there was something there. I tried to mimic the yipping I heard earlier (badly mimicking I will admit).

I quickly learned I made a horrible, horrible mistake.

Its head appeared only 25-30 foot from me, from the stables. Its head was about 3 feet off the ground on all fours. It was NO dog that I recognized. Once it completely appeared, its body was huge, lean and covered in thin, almost non-existing hair, but up towards the shoulders and head it had thick, black fur, pointy ears and a large snout like that of a German Shepherd, just a lot bigger and wider!

At this point I didn't know what I was looking at! It looked like a dog but it wasn't. It was far too large, and the human-like arms and shoulder sockets confirmed that.

It bared its teeth at me, rolling out a low and louder growl than before! I bolted back to the house, the fastest I have ever run, slamming the door behind me, locking it and closing the small window to the living room, drawing the blinds after. I was breathing uncontrollably and panicking, being unsure if it had followed me back, knowing it would have caught me if it had desired.

For the rest if the night I could hearing yipping and distorted barks circling the house until 4:30 am, when it all fell silent.

I have never been a believer of ghosts, ghouls, dogman, werewolves, vampires etc. But now, after what I have seen, if that was a werewolf or a dogman, I don't feel safe anymore.

I always thought them to be a creation of Hollywood and film makers, but now I know they are real living breathing things. I can say, hand on heart, I won't be returning to my friend's house. Nor will I go into the countryside or woods at night." Name withheld

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Jerry Ayres | Supernatural & Paranormal Investigations Minnesota | Arcane Radio 9PM EST Dec.18.2020

Join Lon as he welcomes Jerry Ayres of Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota to Arcane Radio on December 18th 2020. Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota, also known as The SIM Crew, was established in early 2010. They have completed over 60 paranormal investigations, 2 bigfoot expeditions, and many town hall meetings they call Supernatural Conversations. They also host public investigations, and also periodically teach Ghost Hunting 101, a well received class on how to investigate the paranormal. Jerry Ayres has been interested in the paranormal since he was a child growing up in Bemidji, Minnesota. He has had several of spiritual events happen in his life. After all these years of investigating the paranormal, he found that he has psychic abilities that are getting stronger with time. Jerry is also a 'smoke reader' and host of a weekly radio show called The Calling Radio Show. For more on Jerry Ayres and SIM visit their website -

Join us this Friday, December 11th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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