Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined - Part XIX

Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined - Part XIX

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising series of books:

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

Interplanetary G-ship can fly at the speed of light, making a round-trip to Venus in about 30 minutes!  Illustration above from Mechanix Illustrated, July 1957 issue. 

Atomic Research Provides Clues to Anti-Gravity

In Dr. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, molecular attraction is not substantially different than the gravitational pull of the planets and stars.  Basically, this attraction works on the same principle of electromagnetism.  Whether a molecule, planet or star, all have gravitational fields, just as magnets or electromagnets have magnetic fields.  And to properly illustrate this similarity, Einstein assured us that a gravitational field would attract and bend light rays just as a magnetic field bends the cathode rays in your television’s picture tube.  

Dr. Stanley Deser and Dr. Richard Arnowitt of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study in 1955 discovered new subnuclear particles of the atom.  In previous installments, we learned that when certain atoms are bombarded by a beam of light or a charged particle inside a powerful electromagnetic accelerator, those struck atoms will either recoil from the interaction or additional particles will materialize out of the energy generated from the collision.  It is through this scattering process that the structural breakdown of the atoms yield strange particles from which the nuclear physicists hope they can find an answer to the gravitational field problem.  The two physicists issued a joint statement in the July 1957 issue of Mechanix Illustrated declaring: “Until recently, gravitation could be only observed but not experimented on in a controlled fashion.  But the new particles of atom which have been linked with the gravitational field can now be examined and worked with at will.”

The implications of this discovery are astounding.  The doctors surmised that before long, we shall be able to switch gravity on and off as we do electricity and electromagnetism; while the next logical step is simply a matter of engineering.  To illustrate this, the two physicists explained: “Let’s take an ordinary fly-wheel suspended on roller bearings and coupled with a powerful electric generator.  One side of that wheel would be ‘under fire’ of our degravitating apparatus.  The particles responsible for the gravitational attraction would be neutralized.  A potion of the wheel would be made weightless.  But once out of the anti-gravity field, the same part of the wheel would gain weight and be pulled down by Earth’s gravity, thus giving us a powerful rotating motor.”

And from Dr. George Rideout, the president of the Gravity Research Foundation of New Boston, New Hampshire, comes yet another idea for an anti-gravity device.  “We need a differential of gravity forces,” noted Rideout, adding that, “And the way be can get it is through a gravity insulator or absorber.”

Electromagnetic Effects Illustrated

In order to grasp how such an anti-gravity device might function, however, one has to shift their focus to gravity’s twin brother of electromagnetism.  If you are backyard mechanic and were ever wearing a watch while tinkering with your car’s generator, you may have taken notice that your timepiece became magnetized.  The delicate balance wheel of your watch became exposed to the electromagnetic field of the generator, thus converting it into a little magnet and rendering it an unreliable watch.  We can be pretty sure that flying saucers are generating strong electromagnetic fields from their propulsion systems because of the magnetizing effects on automobiles, watches, radios and other electronic devices in close proximity to them.  But getting back to the wristwatch, in order to protect it from such magnetic influence from your automobile’s generator, we must put the inner works in a soft iron casing that can absorb the magnetic force and thereby shield the balance wheel.  Thereby, with the soft iron casing, we have a free space from outside magnetic pull, a differential of magnetic forces.

Anti-Gravity Spaceship

A gravity absorber or shield would essentially do the same thing for the anti-gravity spaceship.  The shielded interior would be free from the gravity attraction of the Earth.  Its inner structure, equipment and crew would be weightless in relation to the Earth and therefore, we would establish a differential of gravity forces and our ship would take off instantly like a super-balloon.  Suppose, for example, we were to take out anti-gravity ship to the equator where the rotational speed of the planet is about 1,000 miles per hour.  With out anti-gravity shield completely closed, our ship would be hurled into outer space just as a particle of mud shoots of a spinning tire.  We would scoot along a more or less straight line unless we have installed some type of control system for direction and speed.  The weightlessness of our ship might easily be controlled by permitting some of the Earth’s gravity to act upon the ship’s interior.  An arrangement of shutters, like venetian blinds, might just do the trick.  And to control our direction, we would need to apply thrust.  But as a rocket would limit our amount of fuel, we will be forced by economic factors to look elsewhere.

Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger and Dr. Wernher von Braun discuss revolutionary modes of spaceship propulsion.  

Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger’s Ion Rocket

One of the least known but important German scientists to be brought over to the United States under the auspices of Operation Paperclip was Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger (19 December 1913, Creglingen, Germany-25 May 2008, Huntsville, Alabama).  A graduate of the Berlin Institute of Technology and the Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen, Dr. Sthulinger broke his silence and spoke of the existence of a secret program underway in the United States to develop ion rockets or similar nuclear rockets where subatomic particles are accelerated by a powerful electromagnetic gun and thereby ejected into space.  He also informed aviation correspondent Michael Gladych in a published interview in the July 1957 issue of Mechanix Illustrated (New York City, New York) that both the United States and Canadian governments had acquired German technology lending itself to the creation of “electromagnetic repulsion systems” for spaceships.  In 1957, in the midst of the Cold War, Canada and the United States were the two most powerful countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and were sharing in the research and development of advanced aerospace platforms in providing for defense against the aggressive evil empire of the Soviet Union.

Said Stuhlinger, “We know that two like magnetic poles repel each other, just as under certain conditions an electromagnetic field repels the so-called diamagnetic metals.  Take a flat aluminum ring, put it over a strong electromagnet and switch on the current.  The disk will fly off the solenoid with quite a speed.  Starting with the principle of diamagnetic repulsion, a group of Canadian scientists at Project Magnet proposes to harness the magnetic fields of the Earth and other celestial bodies for propulsion of the G-ship.”

The German physicist further explained, “Of course, the Earth’s magnetic field is just too weak to repel or propel a G-ship made of ordinary metal.  However, current studies in the nature of magnetism point to a possible solution.  Scientists believe that the answer lies in the structure of atoms.  By rearranging the atomic structure, we could greatly increase the diamagnetic properties of the G-ship and make it travel along the magnetic lines of force like the aluminum ring shooting off the solenoid.”

Back to Einstein’s Equations

This brings us back to Einstein’s theories.  These clearly show that there is no end to the electromagnetic and gravitational fields of the planets and tars.  Those fields intertwine in a most complex pattern; but they are ever-present.  Opined Dr. Stuhlinger, “The proper selection of fields and the controlled exposure to their forces would allow us to navigate our G-ship in space as well as within the Earth’s boundaries.  And the use of electromagnetic propulsion would eliminate the problem of fuel.”

Inside the Spaceship

From the various scientists from around the globe interviewed by Gladych, he was able to piece together a closer look at the workings of this supposedly theoretical “G-ship.”  Wrote the aviation correspondent: “Its spherical shape is dictated by the internal pressurization necessary for high altitude and space travel.”  From an engineering perspective, this makes a lot of sense; for a sphere is perfect for coping with the pressure differential.  This shape also provides for the maximum volume for its dimensions.  An interior artificial gravity ring would solve the problems of living in a weightless void, thus avoiding any medical problems for the astronauts, like weakened bone structure.  The anti-gravity shield covers the entire crew and passenger compartment.  But while this would eliminate visual observation, our radar and television would provide the crew with outstanding electronic vision.  And apart from the cabin, there would be an engine room for the anti-gravity motor and the auxiliary power to run all other electronic devices.  

Since the G-ship would take off and land in an atmosphere, however, there would also be the problems of heat caused by air friction and the question of the air drag of the spherical shape.  To reduce the friction heat, Canadian scientists, headed by radio engineer Wilbur B. Smith of Project Magnet in Shirley’s Bay, Ontario, just outside of Ottawa, contemplate the employment of an ingenious electromagnetic apparatus.  According to Smith, “The device would be switched on before take-off, thus attracting and holding fast a large portion of air around the ship.  This captured ‘boundary cushion’ would move with the ship.  Therefore, the air friction would take place at a distance from the ship’s structure and the heat would be dissipated before it could warm up the ship’s anti-gravity shield.  The mass of captive air would be shaped into the most advantageous aerodynamic form- a tear-drop for moderate speeds, a sharp-ended spindle for supersonics and a concave, cup-like shape for adding deceleration for landing.”

Rocket to Venus

The Project Magnet director surmised that, “Even for space travel, the stores and provisions would be small.  Once outside the Earth’s atmosphere, the G-ship would be capable of traveling at near the speed of light- roughly 600,000,000 miles per hour.  At that speed, a 322,000,000-mile round trip to Venus would take about 30 minutes!”


After having examined numerous documents from the period of the late 1940s through the late 1950s, and taking note of the certitude to which the world’s top scientists were disclosing fantastic discoveries regarding the construction of anti-gravity spaceships, I began to wonder if any government or private agency, for that matter, had actually succeeded in building a rocket to Venus, such as Wilbur Smith described in the previous paragraph.  Stay tuned to this column and the final chapter, Part XX of “Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion,” where Dr. Raymond Keller takes us inside the workings of the United States government TOP SECRET Project Aphrodite, a program initiated in the Department of Defense in 1948, not long after the preliminary investigations of the crashed saucer at Aztec, New Mexico, revealed that it originated on our cloud-shrouded sister planet of Venus.   The big question remains:  Did they have our version of a flying saucer all along?

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