A rash of missing babies was occurring in a village near Veracruz, Mexico. One night, the witness observes a 'werewolf' holding a baby in the neighbor's doorway.
The following account was included in an older database:
"This happened in the summer of 1967 near Veracruz, Mexico. This is where I was born.
One evening, when we came back to our neighborhood, one of the neighbors told my mom that she lost her baby boy and that it was the third tragedy around that colony within the month. I recalled my mom telling my dad that night that she was very scared and wanted us to move as soon as possible. My dad told her that we would.
When she was done talking to him, she called me and my brother and gave us instructions to not go outside after dark, no matter what!
About two nights later, we were celebrating my brother's birthday, and after the celebration my mom cleaned the house and put us to sleep. Sometime that night I woke up to drink water, and I noticed that it was really bright inside the kitchen because the moonlight was very bright coming through the window above the kitchen sink. I was too small to get a cup from the cupboards, so I pulled a chair from our dining table and put it right in front of the sink. At that moment, I happened to look into my neighbor's house across from our home and noticed that there was someone or something very big in front of their door, and it seemed to be holding something.
When I got closer to the window to see what it was holding, I realized that whatever it was standing there was taller than the door. It had pointed ears and had no clothing on. When I saw the ears, I jumped and my chair made a loud noise. The thing turned and looked at me -- and I saw its face!
It looked like a freaking police dog with bright red eyes on two legs, and what it was holding was a baby! I got off the chair, ran to the room to my baby brother's bed and held him for a long time. I was so scared that I thought whatever I saw was going to come through the door and take us away.
The next morning, we went to church, and our neighbor told my parents that her friend across from our home lost her child the night before and that nobody knew how it had happened. When I heard that, I started crying. My mom asked me what was wrong with me and I told her what I had seen. She told me that we would be moving soon and to never to tell anybody what I saw. And I haven't, until now." MC
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