Unknown Military Units Appear After UFOs Reported in Muskegon, Michigan

After several UFO sightings and the filing of a report, residents in Muskegon, Michigan recall the sudden appearance of unknown black garbed military.

I found your blog while hunting for information on UFO investigations. A co-worker told me that some UFO investigators may be alien beings hired by the government and military. Is this true? I ask because something happened to me that I cannot explain.

I live near Muskegon, Michigan, close to the Lake Michigan shoreline. Over the past 2 years (we've lived here since 2012) several neighbors and ourselves have witnessed many weird lights above the lake. During the past few weeks there were several 'strings' of red and white lights moving north above the lake. I noticed the lights twice on different nights.

The man across the street contacted a UFO group (I don't know the name of the group). He told my son that he had also seen unusual 'people' in his backyard from his bedroom window late one night. When he went out to confront them, they were gone. This happened just two days after he filed a UFO report online.

On two consecutive nights my son and I saw spotlights shining from the shore of the lake. There was a field, narrow road and a berm between our house and the lake. It looked like the spotlights may have been mounted on vehicles. On both nights this occurred around 11 PM and lasted for only a few minutes.

A few days later I was out in the backyard working in my garden. A man dressed in black military garb had entered through my back gate and walked towards me. I stopped what I was doing and waited for him to say something. He wore glasses that were tinted yellow, which stood out because everything else on him was black. He also wore a plain black cap - there was no insignia.

When got close he looked directly at me, without expression, and asked if I had noticed lights over the lake. I explained what we had seen and any other information I thought would help. He wrote everything down in a small notebook, rarely saying a word, other than 'anything else?'

When I finished he asked if I had reported the sightings. I told him the man across the street said he contacted a UFO group. Then asked 'but did you contact anyone?' I said no. Then I asked him what group he was with. He just looked at me and said 'thank you for cooperating.' That was very weird because I felt that there was something not right about this man. I guess it was intuition - but I was creeped out.

After that encounter, there were more lights coming from the lake shoreline. This time I decided to walk over and see what was going on. My son, who is 17, came with me. He was just as curious as me. We walked through the yard, across the field then over the berm to the shoreline. There were five black Land Rover-like vehicles about 100 yards south along the shoreline. There were also a dozen or more men in black garb moving about. As soon as one of these men noticed us he shouted 'there!' and came running towards us. He had a 3 ft. long light-colored baton with a yellow light on the end. Two other men came running towards us as well.

The man with the baton yelled 'you must leave at once - this is a national security operation.' My son asked who they were, but never received an answer to that question. One of the other men, who I believe was a superior said 'you must leave the area immediately - go back to your home. A representative will contact you in a day or two.' We agreed and promptly left and went home.

I have not been contacted by anyone since that night. My son and I went back to the shoreline and looked around, hoping that we could find something that could help us understand what had happened. There was nothing.

I believe that they may have discovered something of importance, just by the way they reacted to us. Is there anyway of finding out who these guys were and what they were doing? JR

NOTE: I contacted JR by email and explained that this type of activity is not uncommon after specific sightings, especially those sightings that occur several times. I suppose you could call this a MIB scenario. The baton with the light is interesting. It's the first and only time I had heard of that piece of equipment being present during an encounter. Lon



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