Tall Screaming 'Walker' Humanoid Seen In Upstate New York

Tall Walker Humanoid

A woman is driving to a friend's house on Christmas night, when she encounters tall lean 'walker' humanoid that screams as she passes by. This occurred in upstate New York.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"This incident occurred on Christmas night 2007 at our family home in upstate New York. The day was pleasant and festive; opening presents early in the morning with my sisters, hearty breakfast made by dad, delicious smells from the kitchen as mom and dad prepared a feast, visits from extended family bringing pies and cakes for dessert. Around 2 pm we all sat down to eat and then lazed about for the rest of the afternoon into the evening.

At about 8 pm, after everyone had left and the food was all put away for round two the following day, I decided to head over to visit my friend in the next village. The drive would be about 10 minutes, if I took back roads to get there. So, I did.

First, a little background on where my friend lived. It was a housing development surrounding a private lake. You might call it a “gated community.” You could still drive through it freely after hours by entering 1 of 4 private entry points. Since the community was built around a lake, the roads surrounding it went in a spiral sort of shape. The houses were sparsely positioned on the outermost part of the spiral road, closest to the 4 private entry points. As you drove in further, there were a lot more houses positioned closer together nearer the lake.

My friend lived on the outer edge of this development, so once I reached the entry point, it would only take me another few minutes until I reached his house. His house, along with all the others, were far enough apart that you couldn’t see them from the road as you drove by: there were either woods all around with long drives, or open fields with long drives. You could see porch lights on in the distance but that was about it.

As I entered in to the development, the speed limit dropped from 30 mph down to 20. There were no streetlights in the development and for some reason, I never put my high-beams on. I couldn’t go any faster than the speed limit because there were speed bumps in place every 30 feet or so for a bit.

It was a mild night. I remember having my drivers side window open slightly taking in some fresh air. I remember driving in silence which was unusual for me (I normally always listened to music when driving). I must’ve been enjoying the quietness after the commotion of the day.

I reached a section of road that had barren fields on either side and woods set back. Houses were probably nestled back into the trees. As I drove, I noticed what looked like someone walking up ahead on the opposite side of the road, coming in my direction. Mind you, I was still going about 20 mph the whole time, so it was probably less than a minute by the time the “walker” came into clear view. I got a quick scan of it from my windshield before my car and it were exactly parallel. This is what I saw:

It was not a person. It stood on two long legs, with long arms hanging down from its shoulders. It was strong looking. Lean, muscular, but not beefy in stature. It looked thin at the same time. It stood at least 7 foot tall. It was light coloured: not sure whether it was white, tan, yellow or greyish. It didn’t appear to have fur but there was some texture to the skin that wasn’t smooth. There appeared to be something coming down off its back. I don’t know what this was. All I can recall about its face is the small features it had but the mouth and jaw were notably large. And it had pointed things atop its head; 2 things going straight upward with something mingled between the two things. That’s what I got from a quick scan and from my observation of it as it neared my car and my car neared it.

As my car became parallel to it within a split second, I went from looking out my windshield to looking at it from my drivers side window. In that moment, its face quickly peered down at me and all I remember was the mouth opened wide. Out came a remarkable scream that I’ll never forget. Gives me the chills just thinking about it. It consisted of a high-pitched shrill/shriek, enveloped by a deep guttural growl. Both sounds happened simultaneously in that scream.

I kept driving all the while. This was all happening so fast that I didn’t even have a chance to be scared or shocked or anything.

I continued driving and went past my friend's house and drove home. Called him to tell him what happened and that I just needed to get back. I was probably running on adrenaline to get back home. Later on, I was in total shock after it sunk in. Had my drivers side window been opened fully, it would have touched me, or worse, taken me. I’m certain of it.

To this day, I still haven’t worked out what this was. Anyone else see anything like this or hear what I heard?" DE



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