Possible Bigfoot Peers Through An Open Window in Elk Rapids, Michigan

A young boy in rural Michigan is shocked by a possible Bigfoot that was watching him through an open window.

I recently came across the following account from an open source:

"In 1974 my parents moved my little brother and I from greater Detroit all the way up north to the rural town of Elk Rapids. My father bought a small roadside motel, and he and my mom made a real go at it.

This place was magical for me as a kid - snakes, turtles, frogs - all of this natural world was new to me. In looking back, I am amazed at how much land my parents owned due to them also owning some frontage on Lake Michigan as part of the motel grounds. I mention this due to the fact that the beach itself was set far back, maybe .25 miles behind the motel with thick, dense forest in between. I can't stress enough for those of you who are familiar with what this area is like now. In the mid seventies it was really away from it all. So much so, that my dad learned that there was a Native American family living on his land, in the forest, and that they needed access to the hand pump well in the barn in order to have water (which he gladly allowed to continue). In looking back, it must have been quite an adjustment for he and my mother also.

So it was during one of those summer nights, all the windows open, breeze blowing in and the curtains billowing in, that I shot out of bed. Again I was young at the time, and I still cannot say what got me up in the middle of the night. It was definitely late, everyone was sound asleep and the whole place was dead silent. I remember being frightened, and I remember that I had to get to my parent's room as quickly and quietly as possible.

This is where my memory is more acute. I remember that my parents bedroom window was open. I remember the sheer curtains billowing in on the breeze. I stood at the doorway to their room, looking at my parents sleeping, then going back to the window. I remember their window faced the courtyard for the motel, and there was light coming from the window, either from the yard lights in the courtyard, or the moon. I remember the light so vividly.

It was then that someone or something came to the open window and was looking in at me. I could not see its face, it was completely blacked out in silhouette. All I could see was the halo of long hair, hair everywhere, not just its head, all lit up by the light behind it. The sight of it broke me from my spell, and I crossed the room and dove in between my parents. I laid there, being as quiet as possible, knowing that it watched me run across the room. There was no sound. I remember my dad lying on his side, like a wall between me and whatever it was at the window I remember lifting my head to peek over a few times, and each time it was still there, staring in the window. At some point, I must have fallen asleep.

That experience was a turning point for me, and not in the best way, because (now that I'm 50 years old I am no longer embarrassed) from then on I really struggled to sleep on my own. I was always trying to sneak in my parents bed, well into grade school. I really dreaded going to bed, even when my brother and I shared a room. Looking back, I wish I would have said something to them about that in the moment, but what would they have done? It was years later, as an adult, when my cousins asked me to tell them that story (again) at a family function, that my mother (my father had already passed) overheard and asked me to tell her about it. I could see it in her eyes that lots of pieces fell into place.

As I write this and think about that moment when I stood at my parent's door, watching the window- I realize now I may have been expecting it to appear there. Maybe I saw it at my bedroom window and thought it might follow me?" OS

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'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on Amazon.com and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey



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