9 Ft. Tall Bigfoot Startles Teen While Camping in Western Montana

A teen encounters a 9 foot tall Bigfoot while sleeping under the stars in the deep woods of western Montana during the summer of 1988.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"In the summer of 1988, I was 14 years old visiting my dad. After my parents had separated, my dad decided to live out in a small house in the woods, about a half hour away from Missoula, Montana. Kind of off the grid. This was his dream and he allowed me to experience it with him about every other weekend. We would go hiking, hunting, kayaking, bird watching, you name it. We would sometimes camp out outside in the woods, and that is where I saw it. It was one of those camping trips I went on with my dad, where I not only saw a Bigfoot, but it was terribly close to me.

My dad and I found a spot pretty deep in the brush to set up camp. When night fell, we decided to sleep in our sleeping bags outside to watch the stars. My dad fell asleep pretty quickly, but it was a bit harder for me. I remember trying extremely hard to fall asleep that night, but to be honest, even though by that time I had been in plenty of camping trips with my dad already, I was still pretty freaked out by the forest at night. This fear kept me awake all through the night.

I remember that at a certain point, when I was just starting to finally drift into sleep, I heard something come out of the trees and snapping twigs loudly as it walked on towards us. My dad still was fast asleep, and now I was basically pissing my pants. I thought some strange person was walking on towards our camp site, but as I squinted my eyes open a bit, I could see that only about 10 feet away from me was an enormous, hairy creature that stood and walked on two legs like a human would. Obviously I wanted to scream out in fear but I tried my best to pretend I was asleep in hopes that it would just eventually move along.

I think the creature which I now believe to be a Bigfoot, was attracted to the smell of of the meat my dad had been cooking before. And strangely, it didn’t seem the least bit interested in us. It seemed more interested in just slowly walking around out campsite, presumably looking for some of the food it must’ve thought we had. But I have to tell you, that not only was I scared at the sight of the giant hairy man, but I was also sickened by the pungent and overwhelming odor that the beast was emitting.

Eventually, the Bigfoot seemed to get bored and disappeared into the darkness. I remember trembling in my sleeping bag, and not being able to sleep the rest of the night. I didn’t tell my father about it until he woke up the next morning, because I was afraid if I tried to wake him up during the night, then the creature might see us awake, or even hear us. I was not willing to find out how it would react when it did.

When I told my dad about it, he just told me it was probably a large bear walking around on its hind legs. But when I described to him that the creature was extremely human-like and walked like a person would, he chalked it up to it me just either hallucinating from fear, or that I was not aware that I was dreaming.

To this day I know exactly what I saw. It was about 9 feet tall, with extremely long and matted brown hair all over its body, including the face, which to me, seemed to look very human-like in a primitive sort of way. I still remember the horrible stench that made me want to vomit. That was probably the longest and most terrifying night of my life. But afterwards I’ve come to honor the experience, because I would come to realize that the creature was undoubtedly a Bigfoot, and I was one of the few people who got the chance to see it extremely up close.

So, to all of you skeptics out there, I understand your incredulity, but believe me, I’ve experienced it firsthand. There is no doubt that these creatures exist. I’m not sure about how abundant they are, but they truly exist, and they are not only scary looking and smelly, but they are a fascinating sight to see. And even though I only remember hearing the Bigfoot grunt, and growl a bit, I feel that they are more human-like than ape, due to the appearance of the face. That was actually the scariest part. Seeing that not only was there a strange, giant creature creeping around my campsite, but it was a very human-like, albeit extremely hairy creature. And when I say hairy, I really mean it. I’ve never seen so much hair on the body of any creature.

My words here can never do justice to what I saw that night as a teen. I can never describe to you, just how otherworldly and surreal the whole situation felt. But it was real, and I know I wasn’t dreaming because I could not get to sleep the whole night. In fact, I was very wide awake, even though I pretended to sleep while every now and then opening my eyes slightly to catch glimpses of the Bigfoot.

To this day, I am greatly affected by the experience, because it changed my whole perception of the world. After that I would never doubt the possibility of anything existing, not even things like vampires, aliens or the chupacabra. I learned from that night to always keep an open mind when hearing about the seemingly impossible, because I myself encountered a creature long thought, and still thought to be purely a myth by most people." ED

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A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey



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