Urban Bigfoot Causes Havoc in Detroit Suburb

An eyewitness talks about her earlier encounter with the 'hairy guy' and the havoc it later caused in a Detroit, Michigan suburb

I recently received a telephone call from a woman who I will refer to as 'AY.' When AY was growing up in the 1970s, she would spend a lot of her time with her aunt's who lived in the northeast suburbs of Detroit. The neighborhood had many acres of woodland, as well as old dilapidated properties that were covered in vegetation.

A few hundred yards behind her aunt's home were old abandoned houses that attracted the attention of many of the kids in the neighborhood. The kids would talk about the 'hairy guy' that spent a lot of time in one of the large abandoned buildings. AY was curious so she accompanied some of the kids into the woods. Sure enough, as they stood near the house, they would occasionally see the 'hairy guy' look out of large broken window on the first floor. They were scared to go in the house and investigate, but they were also fascinated by the 'hairy guy.'

AY described the face as that of a "caveman with a wide flat nose." The hair was black and stringy. There had been talk in the area for many years of a huge hairy creature that would be seen roaming the neighborhood at night, but nobody ever seemed to get a good look at this thing.

In the winter of 2016, AY was living in her aunt's old house, which she moved into after her aunt passed. She was returning home from work when she noticed that several people were gathered around what appeared to be a multi-car accident at the end of the street. There was a lot of ice and snow on the road, so she figured that may have been the reason for the accident. But as she looked closer, the first thing she noticed was that one of the cars was literally upside-down and teetering on the heavy branches of a large oak tree! Another car looked like it had been tossed into the adjacent bushes.

She walked over to the scene and listened to one of the drivers (her neighbor) attempt to explain to the police officer that this "big hairy man walked out in front of me. I scared it and it got real mad. I jumped out the car and ran into the house!" As she watched from the window of her house, the hairy creature picked up the small car and tossed it into the oak tree. Then it push a parked car into a yew bush and then flipped it on its side! The police seemed to think the woman was either impaired or crazy, but AY had thought back to the 'hairy guy' in the woods.

As she walked back to her house, she soon noticed a trail of huge footprints in the snow along the side leading to the woods in back. She took a few photos of the tracks, but she didn't say anything to anyone other than her nephew who told AY that it was a Bigfoot. AY is positive that is was the same creature she saw when she was a girl. Her nephew has been setting trail cams for the past 3 years, but he has been unable to captured any photographic evidence. The abandoned houses in the woods had since been razed.

AY is searching for the footprint photos in her old camera which she promises to forward to me. Lon

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