Huge 'Dogman' Quadruped Seen Multiple Times in Southeast Tennessee

An eyewitness in southeast Tennessee is seeking information on what he describes as a 'Dogman.' The beast is humanoid in shape, huge in size and a quadruped.

I need help figuring out what is happening in my neighborhood.

I live in a very secluded small town in southeast Tennessee. It's really peaceful during the day, but it gets a somewhat strange at night. There's a few houses on my road, but for the most part it's only trees. There are a few recurring events that are all pretty spooky, but the main one is what my friends and I call the Dogman, for lack of a better name. I've only seen it twice in my life. I've lived in this part of town for three years.

The Dogman has a body shaped like that of a scrawny human. Its bones are very visible. It has fur, but only in patches over its body. Sort of like a dog with mange. Though it has the bodily proportions of a person, it has the head of a dog, and can run extremely fast. Also, it's f*cking huge. It is quadrupedal.

To preface, my room is at the front of the house. Our front yard is the size of a field. I have the biggest window in the house in my bedroom and it faces the front yard. I do not have blinds over my window and my bed is in front of it.

The first time I saw the Dogman, it was late at night and I was sitting in bed. I saw it running through my yard. Shortly after, my cat (who was an indoor/outdoor cat at the time) came inside growling. The cat was found dead across the creek near my yard this July. He had no visible injuries and was very young and healthy. We still don't know how he died.

The second time I saw it was earlier this evening. My friend and I were sitting on my porch. We noticed a very large, moving mass on the base of the mountain, which we live right in front of. We decided to get a closer look. My friend stayed behind to watch as my grandfather and I drove down the road to the base of the mountain. I didn't want to drive there alone. As we got near, we stopped in front of the mass. It was a tree. Something then sprinted out from behind it and into the woods to the right of us. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind it was the Dogman.

If you have any ideas as to what this is, or how I can go about finding out more about it, I'd love to hear it. This is really freaking us out. SR

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