7 Ft. Tall Humanoid Observed in Vermilion, Ohio

A teen in Vermilion, Ohio encounters a tall humanoid figure while walking home at night. It seems to be very similar to the sightings from Mount Vernon, Ohio in 2018

I received a report of a humanoid in Vermilion, Ohio. The description was very similar to the reports I received in 2018 from Mount Vernon, Ohio:

I seen this exact creature in Vermilion, Ohio mid 2010-2012. I was at a friend's house around 4 am and was walking home. I saw a cop sitting at my local Drug Mart and it being past curfew, and since I was around 15 yrs old, I walked under the bridge onto a trail by our YMCA. I did this in order to walk through the woods and pass the cop so I could make it home. I was texting my friend while walking.

I had heard rocks being shuffled on the train tracks above, so I looked up and as my eyes were adjusting to the darkness I saw this creature. It had cleared two 10 ft ditches running bipedally up a hill onto an abandoned gravel clearing. It was no more than 60 ft in front of me. It covered the distance within 4-5 seconds, cleared the 2 ditches up the hill through the gravel and disappeared into the woods without making a sound. After it entered the treeline I turned on my phone flashlight while walking up to the edge of the woods. It had completely disappeared. I describe it as 7-8 ft tall, hairless, skinny appendages, oversized feet and hands, inhumanly fast, oval head.

I had to continue through the woods for about 5 more minutes, completely terrified with every hair on my body standing up like needles. I got chills reading that someone experienced the exact same creature I did. It thankfully didn't stop to look at me like in the Mount Vernon State Highway 13 sighting. I couldn't see any facial features as my eyes were readjusting to the darkness from my phone light. But nevertheless, it was the most frightening encounter I have ever had. DG

NOTE: Below are the previous reports I received from the Mount vernon, Ohio area. Lon


This is a 3rd report of a humanoid sighting in the Mount Vernon, Ohio area. The eyewitness' daughter contacted me:

Hi, I am reaching out not as a hoax but to let you know that I received a phone call from my mom in Mount Vernon, Ohio recently telling me that she saw a figure of what appeared to be an alien come in one side of her basement and go out the other end of the basement. She describes this thing as being tall with long arms, and she didn’t see his face as she watched him from a side view but she did say that his head looked just like the one in this picture I’ve attached (from my last report and above). I wish to have her identity anonymous please if she is not contacted. I thought you might be interested to know that there has been another sighting in this area. My mom said that she wasn’t scared nor did she feel any danger by this presence and that it just came in and left. Thank you....

NOTE: I am attempting to gather more information from this sighting. Lon

2nd Humanoid Sighting in Mount Vernon, Ohio

Mount Vernon, Ohio: As I was driving home on 31 July 2018 at 01:43 on Ohio state route 13 north of Mount Vernon, OH a 7-8ft tall, skinny, humanoid like creature ran across the road out of a corn field across into a soybean field (from a east to west direction). I noticed the creature in my headlights from 50-75 ft away as I was traveling at a rate of 55-60mph. As it came out of the cornfield I immediately let off the accelerator. At first thinking it was a deer but then seen the creature walked upright. It was 7-8 ft in height, tall slender body, arms and legs small in diameter, hands and feet looked over-sized for its body proportion, small neck with oval elongated head, being dark tan to light brown skin tone and had no body hair. The creature slightly turned its head towards my vehicles headlights and I seen the creatures black eyes and small mouth just open slightly as it continued to run across the road. It barely took 2-3 steps and it was across the road at a tremendous rate of speed. I was in total shock and thought I should check it out at first but then thought for a second and being uncertain of what I may have just seen I had better get out of the area. I lost sight of the entity due to darkness. I am a 24 year USAF retired aircrew veteran with a top secret security clearance. Not to be totally bliss but would someone please advise me on what I seen because it still and truly and frightened me. - MUFON

NOTE: This is the 1st reported sighting in the Mount Vernon, Ohio area - Alien Humanoid Sounded Like a Velociraptor

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