Real Creepy Tales: The Amulet / The Headless Man

When I was nine or ten years old, my mother and her husband bought a huge house near Anderson, Indiana. It was built in the 1870's on an area said to be sacred to the Native Americans who had formerly lived there. It had a pool, tennis court and a small grove of trees, but it had been vacant for several years and was in need of repair.

Through research, I discovered that the house had been owned by a very old women and her husband. Previous to them, it was owned by the woman's family who had been wealthy. The woman had died in the house in the large master bedroom and her husband had died in an unknown accident. There were old servant quarters which was now an apartment and had been occupied by a man by the name of Sam. He informed us that the couple was buried in the grove because they loved it there while they were alive.

After we moved in, my mom and I would sit in the sun room. At times, we would smell the strong scent of sickening perfume. We looked all around but couldn't tell where it was coming from. A few weeks later, I began to notice more strange activity.

My room was on the end of a long hallway in which you had to cross through another room to get to. The rooms were separated by large French doors. My bed was facing towards the door so I could look into the other room. At night, I would hear heavy footsteps walking up and down the stairs and through the hallway. One night, I heard the footsteps coming in my direction from the other room and suddenly stopped. I could hear a faint and steady breathing noise. I just hide under my covers and cried myself to sleep. I told my mother but she simply told me I was imaging it, even though she later admitted that she had heard footsteps.

A year or so later, I was on summer vacation. My mother would leave me home alone sometimes so she could go and run errands. Occasionally, I witnessed black shadows out of the corner of my eye when I was watching TV in the living room, but when I would turn to look it would be gone. Once, when I was completely alone in the house, I heard something moving around upstairs. I muted the TV and heard a loud heavy thumping and then footsteps moving quickly back and forth through the hallway and the master bedroom.

Later, just before my mother and her husband divorced and we moved out, I had a few friends over. We went into the basement which had an old coal furnace and several other large rooms. My friends and I were pretty curious about the coal furnace, so we opened it up and found a bunch of old newspapers, chicken bones and a vintage amulet. It was obvious that it was made of sterling silver and had a large amethyst mounted on it. I removed it from the furnace, cleaned it up, took it to my room and laid it on my nightstand. Later, I told my mother what I had found and she said that I could keep it.

That night, I again heard footsteps coming into my room. But this time, there was distinct crying and sobbing sounds. I was terrified and covered my head with the quilt. After a few minutes, the crying stopped and I pull back the covers. Then I noticed that the amulet was gone. I looked all over, but never found it.

Several years later, I was working on a school project that involved local history. My mother and I still lived in the same area though we now lived in a new smaller house. I was in the library looking through old photographs when I stumbled onto several old postmortem images. Immediately, I recognized the name of the woman who had lived in the old house previous to us who was buried in the grove. The photo was of her during the wake and around her neck was the exact amulet I had found in the furnace.

I never have understood how the amulet got into the furnace, but, I'm willing to bet it's around her neck. M


Hi Lon. The year was 1978, late October. I was 12 years old. Three kids and myself (two of them younger than me - one was a year older) were walking down a trail, alongside a bean field, near our neighborhood. We were looking for used shotgun shells, as we would collect them as kids, so we were looking at the ground most of the time as we were walking along. We were getting close to the line of woods that surrounded the bean field. I heard one of the other kids let out a scream and take off running right past me as fast as he could. I had my back turned to whatever he was running from. As I turned around to see what he was so scared of, the other two kids raced by me yelling for me to run! They were crying and had the look of fear on their faces!

Standing about 25 to 30 feet away from me, was a 'headless man' (or person). This "person" or figure was about 6'3 or so and was wearing a belt of bullets. The type of bullet belt that crosses over your shoulder - kind of like the ones from the old movie 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.' The figure had some type of uniform on - it looked like an old civil war uniform; a blue jacket and a white collar around his neck - and again, he had NO HEAD! The figure wore black boots up to his knees. I didn't see a gun or a weapon of any kind. I froze for about 5 seconds as I was looking at this figure, right before I turned to run from this thing. The figure raised its hand and pointed a finger at me. As I looked very close at this figure's hand, I noticed it was snow white on color! The color was so white - like he dipped his hand in a bucket of flour.

I took off running into the woods and met another one of the kids, who was hiding from this figure. We sat there and watched as this figure walked down along the trail next to the bean field. It walked into the woods, across from where we were hiding, never to be seen again. I ran home and told my Dad what I had seen. We went back and found footprints in the dirt where we had seen the figure walk. This area was the woods where I grew up and I loved being out there - I still go back to this day to walk around. We would ride dirt bikes and play games in these woods and older kids would have parties, campfires and other stuff. I never saw anything like that again, but I didn't go back again that fall. This is a true story and I don't know what we saw. Maybe someone was playing a trick on us - but if so, they went into a great amount of detail to do it. MW


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Facebook event announcement: Shannon Legro - Investigator, Radio Host and Author - Arcane Radio

This week I welcome investigator, radio host and author Shannon Legro to Arcane Radio. Shannon has been examining the paranormal since she was a teen, having had her own personal experience which started her on this path. And for the past several years, a focus on the phenomena that is Sasquatch. She strives to bring a fresh perspective and an open mind to the most intriguing mysteries in our universe. You can hear Shannon on 'Into the Fray Radio.' She has also been a guest-host on 'Midnight in the Desert.' You can see her in Small Town Monsters production 'On the Trail of Bigfoot' and as a part of other STM film productions. Her recent book is titled 'Beyond the Fray: Bigfoot.' Shannon's website is at - This will be an informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, January 14th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

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The Beast of the Land Between the Lakes

The 'Thing' at the 'Land Between the Lakes'

Strange Creature on South Carolina Beach May Have Escaped From Mysterious Island

The (Alleged) Time-Traveling Woman and Her Cell-Phone: 10 Years Later

What is an Angel?

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