Bushwhacked! Bigfoot Startles Hunter Walking to Blind

My encounter happened on the second Saturday of November of 2010 in central Texas. Let’s just say I don’t hunt anymore.

I worked late Friday which put me up later Saturday than planned. So I decided on a late day hunt. I figured I’d go out around 3 pm and sit in the pop-up ground blind till dark. I got there just before 3 pm and got ready and headed out. By that time it was about 10 minutes after.

As soon as I hit the woods I smelled a horrible odor. I was still a good 75 yards from the blind. The smell was of death, and more. I’ve never smelled anything like it before. It was as if a dead animal had been in the sun for a while. But it also was a mixture of other smells. I stopped and looked around for the dead animal but saw nothing. So I continued on my way.

There was a game trail that breaks off onto another trail. It would bring you to the back of the blind. I never took that way. I always went through the woods to a fence line and then turned left and followed the fence to the blind. I finally got to the fence line and the smell was a bit stronger so I stopped to look around for the dead animal again. But again, there was nothing. So I turned left and started towards the blind.

I was probably 50 yards from the blind and could see someone at the blind. I flipped my rifle safety off and kept going. As I got a bit closer I thought to myself, "well it’s not dad, it’s another hunter." As I got little closer I could tell his head was in the pop-up blind window. I thought it was strange that a hunter would be in a ghillie suit. As I got nearer, the hunter looked like someone dressed in a Bigfoot suit. Thinking that’s a good way to get shot! At around 30 to 40 yards from the blind, that horrible odor hit me square in the face!. At that same time, it’s head popped out of the blind window and we looked eye to eye at each other for what seemed forever....though I'm sure it was just a matter of seconds. There were no trees or brush between us. A clear view. I literally froze. I didn’t move as it stomped the ground and grunted at me. All I could do was stand frozen in place in fear. I wanted to run, but my legs wouldn't move. It then stepped out of the blind and walked away from me, down the fence line, then pushed the fence down on top as it stepped over. It looked back me while it walked across the field. I watched as it reached another fence, which it stepped over. It reached the edge of the far woods and disappeared from sight.

I got a clear look of it from head to toe....face, muscles moving under the fur. The whole 9 yards! It looked quite human in the face. Neanderthal-like. The reddish color resembled that of an Orangutan with caucasian skin tone. It had to have been 8-10 foot tall, and was jacked with muscle. I mean like a bodybuilder's tone. There was no mistaking it for male.

My sketch (below) with a quick sketch of me for size comparison. I’m 5’8” or 5’9”. It's safe to say that my hunting days are over. SS

NOTE: I honestly don't find this account too surprising. The Bigfoot in central Texas and the Hill Country seem to be quite bold according to witnesses I have talked to in the past. Lon


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Beyond Boggy Creek: In Search of the Southern Sasquatch

Wood Knocks Volume 1: A Journal of Sasquatch Research and Leprechan Press

Wood Knocks Volume 2: A Journal of Sasquatch Research and Leprechan Press

Wood Knocks Volume 3: Journal of Sasquatch Research and Leprechan Press

Sasquatch in Texas: The Track Record

Texas Bigfoot In My Backyard: Based On Actual Events

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