The Customer's 'Jet Black Eyes'

I work retail. I’m checking this sweet old couple out at the register. Having a wholehearted typical retail worker speaking to customer conversation and then BOOM! I look into the husband's eyes for the first time. This man has JET BLACK eyes. Store goes silent. No one’s speaking. I’m overcome with an overwhelming feeling of dread. I wasn’t exactly terrified, I was more entranced. Again the whole store is DEAD silent. It’s as if I’ve been gripped from my reality and brought into this old man’s dimension.

I wish I could tell you guys I looked at my surroundings to see why everyone went quiet but I was just so overcome with a plethora of emotions staring into this man’s completely black eyes that I just physically couldn’t look away. And then just like that the man leaves with his wife. I hand him his receipt, he takes his things, and leaves. I was out of breath. I had to take my break early. I’m ashamed to admit I was almost ready to cry. I’ve literally never been through ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING like that.

I did some research when I got home and I found out a lot about black eyed children. What was strange about this situation was that the man had to be late 60s/early 70s. What could this mean? It’s just so hard to imagine a man casually wearing black contact lenses. And these weren’t enlarged pupils. There was not an ounce of white in his eyeballs. And that feeling of dread, the silent store, and the time that seemed to go on forever. This had to be an encounter. I KNOW what I saw. And I promise you all this story is 100% true. I’m worried no one will believe me. JO


A Strange 'Alien' Sound

“In 2017, I was studying abroad in Italy for a little over two weeks with a few classmates and our professor. We were on the last few days of the trip, and we were staying in Milan at a hotel called the Hotel del Sole. There were 9 of us total, and we were all spread out in 4 rooms throughout the little hotel. It was a nice hotel, and the staff was incredibly kind and helpful. I had no reason to feel creeped out at all, until that first night.

Me and two other girls, let’s call them Addy and Melanie, were sharing room 45. I didn’t know them that well, but we got along fine. We’d headed to bed a little after 11, but I stayed up on my phone for an hour or so. When I finally got sleepy, I got up and plugged my phone in to charge before returning to the bed. At around 1:00 AM, something very strange happened. I felt this vibration go through me, and the sound that came with it sounded like it was coming from the walls. It was loud and undulating, changing in volume, pulsing almost. The closest thing I’ve found to accurately describe what it sounded like is the beginning of the song “Knights of Cydonia” by Muse (without the horses and the hoof beats). That weird alien instrumental at the beginning? I swear, that’s what I heard at 1 am that night. I heard Melanie, who I was sharing the bed with, whisper, “What is that?” “I don’t know.” I whispered back. Melanie and I didn’t say anything else. Addy was still asleep in a cot beside the bed. If my phone hadn’t been across the room, I would’ve grabbed it and recorded the sound. But I couldn’t bring myself to get out of bed, I couldn’t even move, I was so freaked out. After about 2 minutes, the sound stopped, and eventually I fell asleep.

It re-occurred the next two nights we stayed at the hotel, anywhere between midnight and 3 am. Melanie asked the rest of the group if they’d heard anything in their rooms that first night, but no one had. It was just room 45. I’ll never know what that sound was. I wish I would’ve recorded it, but I’ll never forget it. What a way to end a trip to Italy, right?” KR


Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King

Facebook event announcement: Amy Bue - Bigfoot Researcher / Investigator - Arcane Radio

This week I welcome Bigfoot researcher and investigator Amy Bue to Arcane Radio. Amy is the co-founder of Project Zoobook and a member of the Olympic Project Research Team. She's a reading teacher, writer, and editor from Ohio and became interested in the search for Bigfoot after a possible sighting in Ohio’s Mahoning County in 2012. While her main research area is in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest and Ohio’s Columbiana County, Amy has traveled to New York, Kentucky, Oregon, Washington, West Virginia, and all over Ohio following up leads. Recently, much of Amy’s efforts have been put into her Project Zoobook, a group she co-founded comprised of primatologists, zoologists, anthropologists, and other scientists working alongside Bigfoot researchers from across the country. She was given the International Bigfoot Conference’s 2018 Dedicated Researcher Award for her work with this group. Amy is an active speaker, and has spoken for events and organizations. As a writer, Amy’s articles on the topic have been published in California’s Bigfoot Times and in newsletters as far away as Norway and Australia. She is currently writing a book about Ohio’s Tom Page, one of Roger Patterson’s financial backers and a partner in his adventures. She also writes a Facebook blog under her ABLE: Amy’s Bucket List Expeditions page. In between giving time to those efforts, Amy recently completed her certification classes through the Ohio State University to become an Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist. She has recently started studying with the Midwest Native Skills Institute, and she plans on using her new survival skills in her continued search for proof of Bigfoot’s existence. This will be an entertaining show! Join us this Friday, January 17th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron or simply make a donation through Paypal. Thanks...Lon


Hey folks...I would just like to ask you to consider a donation to Phantoms & Monsters. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising...but it is not always enough to cover expenses - which include my Google advertising costs (soliciting reports), Arcane Radio fees, research access to private databases, etc. If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to and use my email as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon




2019 was a bumper year for Nessie sightings

The UFO Phenomenon: A Close Encounter and a Very Credible Witness

Jupiter Is Throwing Comets At Earth

Voyager scientist Ed Stone on the search for extraterrestrial life: 'We need to get back to Enceladus'

The Nazis, a Mysterious Briefcase, and Demonic Alien Skulls

Ronny LeBlanc - “Expedition Bigfoot” - Arcane Radio on Podbean

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The Inhumanoids: Real Encounters with Beings that can't Exist!

The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim (With Extensive Commentary on the Three Books of Enoch, the Fallen Angels, the Calendar of Enoch, and Daniel’s Prophecy)

Beasts of Britain

Creatures of Thought: The Creation of Living Thought-Forms And The Mastery of Your Reality

The Big Breakthrough: Confronting UFOs, Men in Black, Mothman, and Mysterious Humanoids - Trojan Horses of a Breakaway Civilization?Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs



You can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email as the payee. Thanks again. Lon

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