Possible 'Witcher' Encountered by Swiss Soldier

This happened while I was doing my army service in Switzerland in the Alps. I am not allowed to talk about what we were doing but I’ll try to keep things clear.

My company had installed a huge antenna and it had to be guarded by two soldiers day and night. We were on a top of a hill, far away from any city and near a huge forest. It was 18H00 and I had just started my watch of six hours with another soldier. Everything went fine, we smoked cigarettes and kept ourselves occupied until our watch ended at midnight. Then, we received a call from our superior and he told us that one of the soldiers that was supposed to take the watch couldn’t come and one of us had to stay for another watch of 6 hours. We tossed a coin to know who will stay from midnight to six in the morning with temperatures of -20 Celsius degrees. Of course I lost and I had to wait for the other soldier to come and join me for the night watch. They sent another soldier, but not the best because I knew he would sleep all night when I saw him climbing the hill with his sleeping bag. And that’s what he did. He immediately took place in the tent and fell asleep. It was the coldest and longest night of my life but nothing special about it.

The weird part happened in the morning. We received another call from our superior and he told us that we had an NBC exercise. It means that we have to wear all day long our anti-chemical suit (I don’t know the English word for it), the one with gas mask and everything that goes with it. I was really upset and exhausted because I wasn't able to sleep with that thing on and sleep was my only reward for that 12 hour watch. Well, I got out of the tent and this is where I saw something that still scares me to this day.

There was a woman standing next to the antenna and she wasn’t moving. She was just standing there, 5 meters from the tent. I couldn’t see her face because of the sun starting to rise behind her. I knew she was a woman because she had really long hair and she had curves. Remember that we were in the middle of nowhere and this lady was standing there, not moving like she was frozen. I started to freak out and I called the other guy to show him what I was looking at. I don’t know why but he wasn’t scared at all and he told her to leave because she wasn’t allowed there. But she didn’t make a move. She just stood there looking at us, or at least in our direction. I was so confused, how a women could ignore two soldiers telling her to leave a forbidden area. I mean we are in Switzerland, the army is not that impressive I know, but people usually don’t do this kind of things. They would just move away especially when it's 6 in the morning. And what was she doing in the middle of nowhere, obviously not dressed for this cold weather. How long was she standing there and how did she end up here? I didn’t hear any footsteps. So many questions went through my mind at that moment. The other soldier didn’t think twice and started walking towards her. When he almost reached her, she started running very fast. She ran directly into the forest. I saw her getting deep down in the forest and she disappeared from our sight.

I'm really a rational thinker, I question everything and think that there is always an explanation. For me the explanation is that she was simply a jogger because of the way she ran to the forest. But, almost 3 minutes had passed between the first time I saw her and the moment she started running away. 3 minutes of not moving at all, looking at me, dressed with something really tight with -20 degrees and in the middle of nowhere. Thank god there was someone with me because nobody would have believed me.” IZ

NOTE: I have looked into Swiss & German mythology and legends, and believe that if this was a supernatural being that the best bet is that this was either an Elf or a Witcher. The description is more indicative of a Witcher according to the legends. These beings, male and female, have been reported throughout the Alps for centuries. Lon


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