Squirrel 'Monster!' / Pennsylvania Appalachian Bigfoot

“When I was 15 my dad took me hunting for the first time. It was the middle of the day so I decided to hunt small game. Found a good spot on a steep hill where a tree had fallen over that made a perfect place to sit. I was there for about 45 minutes and had probably 8 squirrels and one I just clipped and was screaming in alot of pain. To this day feel bad about. Next thing I know I was being charged by this huge squirrel. It had this crazy hair and was twice the size running full steam on the log I was sitting on. I took 5 panic-filled shots that thought would be my last when little Rambo didn’t flinch once and just jumped over my head off into the woods. I gathered my kills and got the hell out there. When I got back to camp, I told my dad and he just laughed. Thinking back it was pretty funny. Not sure if this is related or not but as a kid I always had trouble sleeping and even as an adult. Anyway a couple weeks after our hunting trip, I couldn’t sleep. My room was downstairs everyone else was up. So on this night I decide to try and sleep on the floor. I had a big closet that was to the left of the room and right next to where I was laying down. It didn’t have a door. It was actually under the stairs. So I'm laying on my right side facing the closet just about to fall asleep when something grabbed my right forearm! So I start screaming, trying to get this thing off me! It scared me even more when I started to feel this things features. It had a huge head and was wrinkley with a pointed nose it was wearing clothes and was 3 foot tall. Now, I was punching and doing everything I could but it wouldn’t let go. Its hand covered half of my arm. The first light I tried to turn on wouldn’t so I lunged over for the closet light. It, thank god, worked and it was gone just like that? This is not a story and just wondering if anyone has info or a thought? Could it have been the squirrel shape-shifter protecting his woods followed me home to give me a good scare? Man, only god knows. Thanks.” DD


“I remember 6 years ago (2013) when I was 19, me and a few friends went backpacking in the Appalachian range of Pennsylvania. We had set up camp in the early afternoon. We knew it was a dangerous area, so we each brought guns for protection against bears. Anyways, as it got closer to the evening at around 5 pm, I was fishing in a river about a quarter mile away from camp and I started to smell something bad. I couldn't describe the smell, it was just bad. I heard some rustling in the bushes about 200 yards away. It was quite clear that it was footsteps from the sound. Almost thinking that it was one of my friends, I realized that they were south of me, so I started to panic. Whatever it was is getting closer to my fishing spot and the smell started getting stronger. My fishing pole in my left hand and my right hand on my gun as I was getting ready to unholster it. I couldn't get over the smell, but at the same time, I was worried about my life. I kept my eyes looking in the direction of the loud footsteps. I can see a big open area kinda like a pasture about 65 yards away which is where the footsteps are coming from. I see what I think is a man in a possible reddish brown ghillie suit walking behind the trees on the edge of the open area, but the problem is that it was about 2 or 3 feet taller than me as I'm only 6'2, which was unbelievable. None of my friends are close to my height, but that thing that I saw was built. I can see the muscle movement of its legs. I'm no expert about Sasquatch, but I do know what I saw was no bear as it was walking on two legs (not in any way that I've seen).Both the legs and the arms are primitive built like an oversized gorilla. The thing probably weighed about 900 pounds. It ended up vanishing as it went to my right in the deeper woods, but after the footsteps stopped, I heard what sounded like chatter (kinda like some sort of Indian language).After the chatter stopped, the footsteps started up again, but it was footsteps going in one direction and another sound of footsteps going in the opposite direction. I never told my friends about the experience because I didn't want them thinking that I'm crazy. Some people might be skeptic about this, but I know what I saw and heard wasn't in the ordinary.” SW


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Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations / Bigfoot & Sasquatch / Upright Canines & Dogman

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Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts

Weird Winged Wonders: The Twilight World Of Cryptid Creatures

The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

The Mothman of Point Pleasant

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs



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