Pink Winged Humanoid Observed in Tree

So, this happened around 7 years ago in 2012, I was 9 years old. My house is in front of a small forest area, so the backyard is a large clearing with lots of trees behind it, which is bordered by a fence my father built. In the backyard there is also a greenhouse and a shed. Behind the trees is a small 5 trailer home park.

So I remember going outside during a cloudy day to get my dog since he was outside. He was outside for way longer than usual so I got worried and went to take a look.

As I went down the balcony steps to go into the backyard my dog instantly ran towards the trees and started to bark. I looked up at the trees and saw a pinkish humanoid figure about 6 feet tall with wings. The creature most likely saw me, and it climbed through the trees and bushes and attempted to fly up, but it couldn’t since the trees were so thick. I ran up the stairs to the balcony and watched my dog continue to bark. The creature had disappeared so I was worried to where it had gone.

I’m not sure what happened after this as my memory is quite foggy of this incident, but I’m guessing that I ran inside and hid.

I’ve conjured up a few theories as to what it could be, and I assume that it was either a featherless eagle, or some naked weirdo climbing in the trees. CB


Pale White Figures

“I don’t know what I saw. When I was like 4 or 5 and my family and I came home from the grocery store. My dad told me to unlock the door and that they’d get the stuff out of the trunk. When I entered my house I looked down the hallway and I say a pure white figure peaking out of my brother's room door. I tried to say hello to it and wave but got no response. Out of fear I left to my family and told my father I say someone in my brother's room. When my father went to check my brother's room and then the rest of the house he told us he saw nothing. Another similar thing happened.

I don’t remember how old I was but I was younger than 6. I saw a boy walking into the same hallway (the one I saw the man) not much taller than me, his skin was as light as snow, this boy had a hat, one of those rainbow baseball caps like one of those propeller hats, he was also wearing jeans and I don’t remember exactly what color his shirt was. I was playing my stuffed animals while my parents were working and my brothers were playing outside. I tried to talk to the boy thinking he was one of my brothers’ friends but he wouldn’t answer. He turned into my brother's room and the door closed. Wanting to play with him I opened the door and he wasn’t anywhere, I checked under the bed and in the closet and under the covers but I saw nothing. When I was younger I thought nothing of these things but when I look back, I wish I someone else was there to confirm what I saw just be sure I know I wasn’t imagining things. I have moved from that house and never saw anything like that again. Both seemed more average bodied, like if a mannequin could be in someone’s house, one unmoving and the other smaller one able to, both only appeared once.” SB


Unknown Figure

“My uncle told me a story. A few years ago my grandma passed away. My younger cousin was about three at the time of my grandma's death. So a few days before my grandma's funeral my uncle walks into the room my cousin was in hearing her talking to someone. He asks her who she is talking to and she says 'Grandma.' He told me that he just kinda got creeped out and didn't know what to do. This story is what really made me believe in it. I only have one "ghost" story that happened to me. So a few years ago I was sitting in my living room where we have sliding glass doors that lead out onto the patio and into the back yard. On the left side of me there are windows and then across the living room on the opposite side was the sliding glass doors. It must have been about 10 or 11 at night since it was pitch black out and I was reading a book on the couch. I remember having a weird feeling to look out the sliding glass windows and when I did I saw this about 5 foot figure walking more like floating across the yard. I remember just staring at it thinking it had to be headlights from a car on the street. I went back to reading my book but then decided to look out the window to my left and the shades were drawn so there was no possible way it could've been car headlights. I never got up and locked a door so fast in my life. My mom has a few ghost stories one with a Ouija board that has caused me to never have tried that game as long as I live. Too creepy for me.” TJ


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Truly Bizarre Encounters with Insectoid Humanoids

Area 51: “Foggles,” Goggles & Vision-Limiting Technology

10 Things You Didn’t Know You Inherit from Your Parents

New Discovery Just Changed Our Understanding of The Source of Easter Island's Moai

Hole in Antarctica on Google Map Stirs Talk of Hollow Earth

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PA Upright Canine/Dogman Witness Sightings Map

Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations / Bigfoot & Sasquatch / Upright Canines & Dogman

Todd Sees Investigation

Lon Strickler - Fortean Researcher / Author



Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts

Weird Winged Wonders: The Twilight World Of Cryptid Creatures

The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

The Mothman of Point Pleasant

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs



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