Bigfoot? Massive Boulder Thrown Into Lake

This happened back around 2015 or so when I was in college at Western Kentucky University. My roommate and I are both old country boys who were living in the city. We are both big outdoors men and would rather be in the woods then anywhere else. I grew up in Boy Scouts so I spent at least 1 weekend a month from age 13-18 camping in the woods somewhere. It’s just where I feel most at home. So living in the city drove me crazy until I found this beautiful park about 45 mins outside of Bowling Green called Shanty Hollow. It is a massive 135 acre lake with how many acres of land surrounding it.

This area is a major destination for college kids to hike to a beautiful water fall, but that’s the only trail in this massive park. My buddy and I liked to get off the trail and see what we could find. We’d make new trails, climb cliffs and just explore the area. One thing we noticed a lot were saplings usually about 6-8 inches in diameter snapped at the base and then twisted around another tree; sometimes once sometimes 3 times. I always found this odd and in recent history I’ve read these could be used as boundary markers. These were usually found off the beaten path nowhere close to where people hiked.

The night of the encounter my buddy and I went out around 2 in the morning to go view a meteor shower. We walked down the trail a ways to get away from the light reflecting off the lake to try and get a better view but it was a full moon so not great for view showers. As we are sitting there just taking in the silence we hear slaps on the water and a flock of geese go absolutely nuts and take off flying. It scared the sh*t outta us because we weren’t talking just kinda sitting there meditating. We think is a beaver or something and just laugh it off. But then we hear a KERPHLUSH! Something MASSIVE was thrown into the lake. And I mean MASSIVE because it took about 5 seconds for the water to rain back down onto the lake. That is what freaked us out the most. The hair was standing up on the back of my neck and we both simultaneously said let’s get the hell outta here and we booked it out as fast as we could.

I’ll add that there was no one else there at all that night and to my knowledge nothing in the woods could throw a boulder that size. So I ask this question. Was it beaver, Bigfoot, crazy hobo, etc? B


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Facebook event announcement: Albert S. Rosales - Humanoid & UFO Researcher - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome humanoid & UFO researcher / author Albert S. Rosales to Arcane Radio. Albert was born in Cuba and migrated to the US in 1966. He witnessed several unusual incidents as a young man while living in Cuba, which continued throughout his life in the US. Albert became interested in unusual phenomena and UFOs at a young age, but soon directed his focus to the crux of the phenomena...the humanoids and otherworldly entities. He began collecting data on encounters from worldwide sources in the late 80's. His current database has over 20,000 entries, which is updated and corrected daily. Albert has published 16 titles, including 'UFOs Over Florida: Humanoid and other Strange Encounters in the Sunshine State.' This should be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, November 8th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to You are invited to join the Phantoms & Monsters chat & discussion portal at Phantoms & Monsters discussion & chat server, which will be active during the show

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Hey folks...some of the team members at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research are in the process of scheduling personal / speaking appearances in south central Pennsylvania and north central Maryland. These events will be attended by at least 2 of our investigative team. It can be promoted events, paranormal group meetings, etc. We will NOT charge any appearance fees, but do request that our books and other items be available for sale at the event. I'm interested in your thoughts on this proposal? If you have an event for us to consider, please contact me at 410-241-5974 or my email




Bigfoot, Folklore and Strange Familiars with Timothy Renner

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The Strange Case of the Vampire Dog of Ennerdale

The Canadian Village Where Sasquatches Are Said to Roam

The Strange Vanishing of Damian McKenzie

Larry ‘Beans’ Baxter - Alaska Bigfoot Researcher - Arcane Radio on Podbean

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'Phantoms & Monsters' Fortean Archive at Flipboard - Top Pre-2016 posts - Make sure to bookmark

Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters Interactive Map

PA Upright Canine/Dogman Witness Sightings Map

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations / Bigfoot & Sasquatch / Upright Canines & Dogman



The Inhumanoids: Real Encounters with Beings that can't Exist!

The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim (With Extensive Commentary on the Three Books of Enoch, the Fallen Angels, the Calendar of Enoch, and Daniel’s Prophecy)

Beasts of Britain

Creatures of Thought: The Creation of Living Thought-Forms And The Mastery of Your Reality

The Big Breakthrough: Confronting UFOs, Men in Black, Mothman, and Mysterious Humanoids - Trojan Horses of a Breakaway Civilization?

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs



You can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email as the payee. Thanks again. Lon

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