Bigfoot Leaves 'Gifts' of Dead Mice

I found this interesting account recently:

This first started happening in 2013. The family friend (we’ll call him Joe to preserve his anonymity) lives on the outskirts of town, about five miles away from the nearest gas station. There’s quite a bit of forested area but most of it is private property. There’s a house right across the street from his, so he’s not totally isolated.

Anyway, one evening, Joe got done picking squash from his garden. He had put them in a bucket that he left on the porch and forgot about overnight. The next day, he went looking for the squash and realized that he left it outside. He went out on to the porch and the bucket was gone. He didn’t really think too much of it. He figured a raccoon had taken it. He did find it strange however that whatever it was had taken the whole bucket and that none of the squash had been spilled out. It was like something had carried it away, taking care to not spill any of it, as opposed to rummaging through it like a raccoon would.

A few days later, Joe came home from work to find a dead mouse on his doorstep wrapped in a leaf and some grass. He looked at it for a moment in curiosity. This mouse had been meticulously placed inside the leaf along with the grasses almost like a sandwich. He then began to think that maybe someone was playing a prank on him or maybe there was some witch or somebody in the woods trying to put a curse on him.

Nothing else happened for about a year until one night, Joe was sitting in his living room watching television, when he saw something out of the corner of his eye through the window, around his garden. He looked out and saw a figure hunched over and looking through his squash plants. He then went outside to confront whoever or whatever this thing was.

When he got outside, he was surprised by just how little noise the creature was making. Like it was trying to hide. He took a step on his porch, causing the wood to creak and the creature looked up at him. He couldn’t get a good look at its face, but there was a distinctive eye shine caused by it looking up towards his porch lights. It stood up on two legs and he got a good look at its body. It was very large and bulky. He estimated it must have been at least seven feet tall. It was black and hairy and manlike in its form. As soon as it saw him, it bolted away and into the woods with lightning speed, still barely making a sound. There was no doubt in his mind that it was a Bigfoot and Joe understandably had trouble falling asleep that night.

As he laid awake, he began to wonder if the creature he had just seen had any connection to the mouse he had received at his doorstep about a year ago. And he definitely believed that thing could carry off that bucket of squash.

The next morning, Joe decided to try a little bit of an experiment. He took some turkey and rolled it up a leaf and some grass, much like the mouse had been and set it on his picnic table out on the lawn and left for work. When he got back that evening, the turkey, leaves, and grass were gone. He studied the area around the picnic table, but was unable to find anything. Not even the grass had been disturbed as far as he could tell.

Then, he approached his door and on his doorstep was another mouse, this time decapitated and instead of leaves or grass, there was a small pile of berries next to it. He hasn’t seen the creature again but he believes that it’s the one he’s been swapping gifts with. It continues to present day, where he got a whole deer antler just four months ago. He’s set up trail cameras before to try to see if he can capture the thing on video leaving presents but he never catches anything. He’s still trying and I’ll keep you posted if he catches anything. He told me he feels like it’s always watching him and will intentionally not show up when he puts up the cameras, but I don’t know if it’s intelligent enough to understand what a trail camera and that it takes pictures. LK


Bizarre Black Skinny Creature

“This is so so crazy. I'm always passing the road by the hill where I had an encounter in 2015. Well today (June 2017) me and my 16 year old son went by that road where the field is so I could shoot my pistol. So when we were done with the pistol stuff, it was like 4:00 in the afternoon. As I got in my car, my son freaked out, which got me scared, and I asked him, 'What happened?' He said a big bug flew right by my face. It went out the window on the passenger side. I told him that I didn't see or hear any bug. So I wondered if he was the only one that saw and heard it.

We left the dirt road and jumped on the paved road. As we went down the hill, I looked to my left where I had my previous encounter, on the hill by a dead tree. It's where I saw a tall, skinny black creature. I guess I always look at that tree just in case I might see it again. A little further down the road, past the dead tree, I saw a little skinny creature around 3 feet tall and I told my son, 'Look! Look, at that! Do you see that!?!' He said, 'Yes.' And then it grew bigger, like around nine feet tall. It looked like the same creature I saw the last time. Me and my son were surprised and shocked. My son was surprised that he saw it with me. It really didn’t scare me the first time I saw it but this time it did, maybe because I saw it again and I was with my son but I'm never going through that back road again.” DS


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Facebook event announcement: Stan Gordon - PA UFO / Anomalies Investigator - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome Pennsylvania UFO / anomalies investigator and colleague Stan Gordon to Arcane Radio. Stan began his interest in the UFO subject and other strange incidents at the age of ten in 1959. He began in the field investigations of UFOs and other mysterious events in 1965, and is the primary investigator of the December 9,1965 UFO crash-recovery incident that occurred near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Stan is a former PA State Director for MUFON, and has been involved with the investigation of thousands of mysterious encounters throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. His 3 books, 'Really Mysterious Pennsylvania,' 'Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook,' and 'Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures' are the culmination of his extensive field research. Stan was recently featured in the documentary film 'Invasion On Chestnut Ridge.' His website can be found at This should be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, August 30th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to You are invited to join the Phantoms & Monsters chat & discussion portal at Phantoms & Monsters discussion & chat server, which will be active during the show

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Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions

Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence (Volume 1)

Otherworldly Encounters: Evidence of UFO Sightings and Abductions

Shadows of Deception: A groundbreaking investigation about Ufos, Ets and Alien Abductions

Fantastic Creatures in Mythology and Folklore: From Medieval Times to the Present Day

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