An Angelic Intervention

“OK here we go. Had a few paranormal experiences but here is the psychic angel one. I was in a really bad time in my life and recently broke up with my girlfriend. Another girlfriend had just passed on a few years before that. I was horribly depressed even at a gathering of friends at Borders where we gathered on Thursdays. So I sat out front on the sidewalk and had like a comatose posturing deal going on, just crying and crying for like 30 minutes straight. Friends came and went to check up and stuff, but a totally weird thing happened after about 30 to 45 minutes of going over the past few years in my head, how horrible everything was.

Out of nowhere a lady touched me on the shoulder and said, like, 'Can I help you?' ... 'Or is there anything I can do for you?' And my first thought was, 'Please don't be another Christian who wants to pray for me,' but I think I responded, 'To help me not mess up my life?' Or something, I was bitter and angry. And it got WEIRD.!! We kept talking, you know, and she's like, 'So I just got a feeling passing by (the West Oaks Mall, Ocoee, Florida, so it's like a big mall entrance kinda deal)' and she said, 'I had the random urge to drive right up here, into this parking lot, and walk right up to you.' Weird, right? But then she starts talking about life and how she broke her rib and how she's learned so much about life through the injury. Then we agree that the conversation was divinely gifted and that God was talking through her, and I said, 'Haha, wow, sounds like it.'

So anywho, right after that, she says, 'Your name is Adam right?' Just like, total eyebrow, look over the shoulder moment. I'm like, '... uhh, yeah?' And I look around to see if my friends put her up to all this but they were still inside. And she continues, says, 'You are going to change this world. You are going to use your gifts and talents, to bring true joy, progress and change to this world.' We kind of marvel at this statement and she assures me again it is not her speaking but God speaking through her. She mentioned a few other things I can't quite recall (you know how these things work) but they were very personal things that she would have never known otherwise. I begged her for a human name and she finally gave one. She said her name was, 'Natalie.' My heart and soul were broken open like a walnut by this experience, and I never saw her again. She did offer to buy me dinner, but I felt like I was in the presence of an angel or God and couldn't lie, so I insisted on revealing I ate a large whopper from Burger King before we met. It was indeed a paranormal experience!

I guess it's God I have to thank for sending me this particular angel during a moment of absolute despair. Also my current girlfriend has seen little blue men walk into a dimensional doorway in her room in San Francisco, 2012, and also I went to Mount Shasta and thought a bunch of cars were pulling into our camp from all the headlights shining through, but they weren’t headlights. I finally saw orbs of light floating (blue meanies?). They floated past me slowly at 30 feet up. That was so terrifying I went into shock. But yeah thanks for letting me share. Hope you enjoy. Pretty weird and wild life I've had. Much more to share as well but those are some highlights.” AM


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