"In the late 70s we had a trailer out in the desert of Bishop, California. We were riding our motorcycles and found two dead gorillas, one little one and a big one. The little one was on the big one like it was being carried. We told the rangers the next day. We direct him to the bodies and he call more rangers. They took them away. He told us that they were from some private animal side show that gotten loose. As I got older, I realized what gorillas look like up close from zoos. These were not gorillas. It was way too human-like. The little one had less hair than the big one and the head was not the same shape as a gorilla. It looked like a little human kid. It was weird to see this and not know about Bigfoot back. Then it was not so public." - Fender Veal
5 Gigantic UFOs Over Port Philip Bay
“You're not alone. Many of us have seen them. That is why there is no need for me to see 'evidence' as the fact is already proven to myself. In the late 70s over Port Philip Bay (Australia) there were five huge disks over the water (by huge I mean absolutely massive like the size of several football fields, though children have an inclination to remember things bigger than they are because the child is also small). My father took a photo of them with his Polaroid instant camera but the photos would not turn out. I still see them in my mind as vividly as a Youtube image on my screen. They were beautiful looking things reflecting the vivid colours of the sunset on their silver surfaces. The government is up there monitoring UFOs using the X37B (Google that little secret operation) UFOs such as the Black Knight and the Black Knight is even featured on their badges and emblems.” - easemailbox
Facebook event announcement: Ronald Murphy - Folklorist, Paranormal Investigator and Author - Arcane Radio
Bizarre Encounters with Horned Humanoids
Mysterious Hyena Monsters in North America
Alien Reptilian Cult Blamed in a Murder Case
The Most Monstrous Worm of All
Strange Yet Vaguely Familiar Eflin Creature Caught on Video
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Paranormal: My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife
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