I recently received the following information:
I don’t know how exactly you guys function but I saw an article about a large black winged creature that flew without flapping its ‘wings’ and I have seen something like that before. It was at my old house, I no longer live there and don't know if it would still be around, but what I saw only came around at night. It was huge and blacker than the night sky. It never really moved, but when I looked away and back again it would be gone.
I am also very convinced I saw a shadow person while I still lived at the old house, though it was only once and I haven't seen one before or since that incident. It walked just like a normal person, but as it moved it gave off black smoke. It had no eyes that I could see, which I have done research on shadow people and know that that is a bit different than what others report. But the experience was overall the same as what is typically reported.
My current house seems to be haunted to some degree though. I've seen what looks like a woman, though only once, but I’ve felt her, or something else, multiple times. I never hear voices and for the most part am left alone, but every once in a while I get a bit more activity than usual. Like something in the basement getting knocked over, but when I go to look for it, nothing is out of place. Or when I was walking through my dining room I felt a strong presence right behind me, on my heels, but when I turned around nothing was there.
I live in Ohio, but the article said something about Illinois. I was really looking for was some advise or insight as to what I may be dealing with or what I was dealing with while at my old residence.
Thank you for your time, LB
I asked the witness for further information and received the following:
I can't remember the dates very well, but it was less than a year ago. I’d say around September/October of 2018 is when I saw the black winged figure for the last time. I moved in December though, so I have no idea if it would still be there. As for location - Navaho Drive in Lebanon, Ohio. My old neighborhood had a small creek that ran through the backyards. It divided the houses and gave privacy because there were trees too.
What I saw was a big black bat. But it didn't really have any defining features. It was like a silhouette of a bat. It didn't move at all, no flapping its wings, nothing about this thing moved, but the second I took my eyes off it it was gone. LB
NOTE: The witness is going to follow up with a sketch. I will add to this post. Lon
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